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33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Summer 2007 Document 26. Jan. 2012
... TEMPUS and the Lifelong Learning Programme are relevant to the Western Balkan countries´ higher education institutions. The Bologna Process in the Western Balkan countries is dealt by David Crosier from the European University Association. And Günther Siegel provides an update on the activities of COST. The country in focus is Montenegro. We have also news on bilateral initiatives as well as S&T cooperation between Cyprus and the Western Balkans. SEE-ERA.NET is providing information on the funded projects under its Pilot Joint Call and the upcoming SEE-ERA.NET Award. We round up with event announcements and updates on various ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2007 Document 26. Jan. 2012
Our report on the 2nd Steering Platform meeting is followed by updates from the EC highlighting the association of Western Balkan countries to FP7 and a possibility for you to influence European policies on R&D: The opportunity of an open consultation process to make your voices heard should not be missed! invited the Joint Research Centre, the Stability Pact, the Central European Initiative, CEEPUS, RIBN and other stakeholders to contribute to this issue. Doris Pack, Member ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2008 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers, the WBC-INCO.NET journal autumn 2008 reports on major issues such as ■ Framework Programme 7, which is becoming more and more popular in the region. Currently several networking and training activities are taking place (also with the support of WBC-INCO.NET), several calls are open and researchers from the region are hopefully continuing to work for their successful integration to the European Research Area. ■ The creation of networks is an important activity in order to ...
33% WEB-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2011 Document 26. Jan. 2012
Dear Readers, the 7th edition of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal is published on the occasion of the 10th Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries, taking place in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia on May 26, 2011. One of the key issues to be discussed by the Steering Platform is the state of preparation of the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation as well as the related Enlargement Countries’ Position Paper, compiled in the frame of the Regional ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2009 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers, Coordination with but especially among the Western Balkan countries has been improved in the recent period and this journal provides some information on the progress. The last meeting of the Steering Platform on Research in Paris (we report on page 1 and 2) has given guidance for several follow-up activities... The European Commission strives to enhance the European perspectives. In this regard, also the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has taken many efforts, e.g. ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2008 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers,   this journal marks the transition of our work from our project, which ends April 30, 2008, to the WBC-INCO.NET. Many activities are therefore running in parallel and our journal is also a bit delayed: a new layout, a new logo and further increased volume of the journal are just the most superficial changes. The new project now includes 26 partners and will continue to inform you via the regular journal – but mainly through the web-newsletter, which ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2010 Document 26. Jan. 2012
... nbsp; Dear readers, the 6th edition of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal marks the beginning of a new phase in the Co-ordination of Research Policies with the Western Balkan Countries: WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED. The official Kick-Off Meeting will take place on November 12, 2010 in Bečići, Montenegro, following the 9th meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries on November 11. Further information on WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED and its innovation focus is available on page 5. To find out more about the future Innovation Union − the key to achieving the goals of the ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2007 Document 26. Jan. 2012
The preparations of the forthcoming Steering Platform meeting in Ljubljana (June 13, 2008) have already begun. They actually began in October at the meeting in Thessaloniki about which we report starting on this page. The Slovenian EU presidency (January-June 2008) supports the initiatives of the Platform and will include stakeholders from the region in several activities. In this issue we report on several funding opportunities that can be explored by researchers in the Western Balkans: an ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2011 Document 26. Jan. 2012
Dear readers, the 8th edition of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal is published on the occasion of the 11th Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries, taking place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on December 1, 2011. Some of the key issues to be discussed by the Steering Platform are the state of preparation of Horizon 2020 and synergies with the Pre-Accession Instrument (IPA) as well as the Implementation of the Regional Strategy on R&D for Innovation. This ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall/Winter 2009 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers, after about one and a half years of its implementation, WBC-INCO.NET has been involved in a number of different activities and reached several positive results. Thus, in this issue we inform you about the current plans to enhance the project's work towards the field of innovation (see pages 2 and 3). RTD cooperation between all stakeholders in the region is growing continuously, as acknowledged by the Steering Platform on Research during its last meeting in Liblice, Czech ...
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