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The publication presents the results of a series of piloting activities implemented by higher education institutions in South East Europe and Turkey to engage in entrepreneurial learning.  The specific objective of the SEECEL pilot project framework was to incorporate entrepreneurial learning into existing study programmes and/or develop awareness of and aspirations for entrepreneurship among students of non-business studies at 15 partner higher education institutions in the region. "It ...
Research and innovation are key to building a prosperous future for the EU. They therefore figure prominently in the Europe 2020 strategy and the European Semester process and underpin progress towards the 10 priorities of the Juncker Commission, from providing a new boost to jobs, growth and investment, to developing the digital single market and developing the Energy Union. The EU has fantastic strengths. It is open, diverse, and hosts excellent institutions. With Horizon 2020, the Union ...
This book brings together some of the key conceptual insights behind Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World and highlights actions that are already taking place or are being prepared. There are few forces in this world as engaging and unifying as science. The universal language of science maintains open channels of communication where other foreign policy approaches are not viable. The chapter ‘Open to the World’ sets out the gains the EU can make by maintaining its presence at ...
An important aspect of open science is a move towards open access to publicly funded research results, including scientific publications as well as research data. Based on the structure of Commission Recommendation C(2012) 4890 final and its assorted reporting mechanism (the National Points of Reference for scientific information) this report provides an overview on access to and preservation of scientific information in the EU Member States as well as Norway and Turkey. It is based on ...
The workshop in Ohrid will be held on 25 April 2017 and is restricted participants from Albania, Montenegro or FyroMacedonia. The workshop addresses HR Directors and HR Managers in Research performing and Research funding institutions from FYROM, Albania and Montenegro. It also addresses high-level representatives of universities, research centres as well as beneficiaries and potential applicants of H2020 contracts/projects who need to comply with article 32 stipulating ...
32% Fusion Education Network Organisation 22. Aug. 2016
FEN is the initiative of 5 Ph.D. students, working on fusion-related projects, from Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Our mission is to promote fusion science and engineering in Serbia and other Western Balkan countries through a series of workshops, schools, and science camps. Nuclear fusion is the process that provides our Sun and other stars with enough energy to shine for billions of years. Fusion researchers aim  ...
... or affiliated to, an institution or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing scientific research. Researchers holding their primary affiliation at an institution located in a participating COST Country are eligible to receive an ENRESSH STSM grant. Researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia are welcome to apply as well.  More information on eligibility is also provided in the attached document. For the first Call for STSM Applications all STMS activities / Missions must occur between 30/10/2016 and 30/01/2017 The financial support is ...
The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkans met on 7 June 2016 in Sarajevo. The meeting was co-chaired by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) who hosted and supported the event and the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation, Directorate on International Cooperation). In the opening session, the representative from Bosnia and Herzegovina welcomed all participants in Sarajevo underlining the important role of the Steering Platform on Research both for the region and the ...
... do not hesitate to join the leading network of experts in EU Funding, Horizon 2020 and SME Instrument. Some of the highlighted events and ETA services that may be of interest for you are listed below.   Master Class: EU Funding for Experts  15-17. August 2016 - Ada Bojana, Montenegro You can explore 20 kilometres of sand beach considered by many to be the Adriatic's most beautiful. Living in wooden cottages at the junction with Bojana river. Dining in the worlds famous fish restaurants. Learning in open classroom within a legendary beach club. Vigorously trained by the leading experts and ...
32% European Training Academy Organisation 11. Aug. 2016
... do not hesitate to join the leading network of experts in EU Funding, Horizon 2020 and SME Instrument. Some of the highlighted events and ETA services that may be of interest for you are listed below.   Master Class: EU Funding for Experts  15-17. August 2016 - Ada Bojana, Montenegro You can explore 20 kilometres of sand beach considered by many to be the Adriatic's most beautiful. Living in wooden cottages at the junction with Bojana river. Dining in the worlds famous fish restaurants. Learning in open classroom within a legendary beach club. Vigorously trained by the leading experts and ...
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