News archive - European Training Academy Highlighted events and services

Highlighted events and services during the summer 2016  

  • Master Class: EU Funding for Experts - Ada Bojana
  • Horizon 2020 project design and proposal writing  - focused on SME instrument - Podgorica, Zagreb, Brussels  
  • International Brokerage Event - Istanbul 
  • Project Proposal Writing – Live or On-line

Thanks to its unparalleled network of experts, the European Training Academy is able to provide clients with exclusively tailored consulting services and customised training, unmatched by its cost to impact ratio.  We are happy to provide you our list of clients for the EU proposal writing, pre-evaluations, training services, etc. Please do not hesitate to join the leading network of experts in EU Funding, Horizon 2020 and SME Instrument.

Some of the highlighted events and ETA services that may be of interest for you are listed below.  

Master Class: EU Funding for Experts 

You can explore 20 kilometres of sand beach considered by many to be the Adriatic's most beautiful. Living in wooden cottages at the junction with Bojana river. Dining in the worlds famous fish restaurants. Learning in open classroom within a legendary beach club. Vigorously trained by the leading experts and working with extraordinary eccentrics and game changers. This program will change your paradigm about the EU funding

Horizon 2020 project design and proposal writing  - focused on SME instrument 

A unique opportunity for your SME to learn how to prepare successful business proposals under Horizon 2020’s SME Instrument, both for Phase 1 and Phase 2: get ready to the new SME Instrument calls 2016-2017! We are looking for high growth, highly innovative SMEs with global ambitions that want to disrupt the established value networks and existing markets. You should be driven, actively investing in innovation, and looking to grow. SMEs are recommended to apply for Phase 1, but may also apply for subsequent phases depending on the progress of their proposals: The European Union will provide €50 000 in funding, and carry out a feasibility study to verify the viability of the proposed disruptive innovation or concept. The SME will draft an initial business proposal (around 10 pages). Phase 2: Assisted by the EU, the SME will further develop its proposal through innovation activities, such as demonstration, testing, piloting, scaling up, and miniaturisation. It will also draft a more developed business plan (around 30 pages). Proposals will be based on a business plan developed on phase 1 or otherwise. The EU aims to contribute between €0.5 million and €2.5 million.

International Brokerage Event

The EU-funded project “Turkey In Horizon 2020” and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) is organising the International Brokerage Event “Cities of the Future 2016” Intercontinental Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Friday, 30 September 2016 

The event will target the following H2020 calls (click on the link to see the draft agenda):  ‘Smart and Sustainable Cities’ and ‘Energy Efficient Buildings’  • ‘Factories of The Future’  • ‘Sustainable Process Industries’ and ‘Circular Economy’ • ‘The European Green Vehicles Initiative’;

The event will bring together up to 300 participants from Europe and Turkey, coming from both research, industrial communities, and municipalities in the domains addressed. You may register at, and book your face-to-face meetings.

Project Proposal Writing – Live or On-line

If you are interested in professional assistance for project proposal writing or expert’s evaluation of your work, we have the largest pool of experienced proposal writers and assessors covering all thematic areas of the EU instruments.  Our team can offer you coaching and mentoring services during the process of project proposal writing or project implementation, which proved to be one of the most effective ways to thrive.

More detail information is available at  

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Croatia
  • Danube Macroregion
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • FP7
  • France
  • General/no specific focus
  • Germany
  • H2020
  • International; Other
  • Italy
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Bosko Nektarijevic on August 11, 2016
Modified on August 13, 2016