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The meeting has been held back to back with - Executive Steering Board meeting of WBC-INCO.NET and - Executive Steering Board meeting of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS (funding decisions to be taken)   The 8th Steering Platform meeting, which has been co-chaired by EC, Spain (EU presidency) and Serbia (for WBC) was held in Belgrade, Serbia on June 24, 2010. Belgrade
The following data was presented on October 29, 2009. It provides a good indication even if it is maybe not perfectly accurate and subject to change with every day (just use your opportunity now and register via CORDIS).   Registered Selected Albania 24 0 Bosnia and Herzegovina 32 1 Croatia 262 22 FYR of Macedonia 55 2 Montenegro 14 1 Serbia 161 18 TOTAL 548 44 For comparision a few CEE countries were discussed, which have still - as data reveals - a better chance of being selected (e.g. from 227 registered researchers from Slovakia, a figure ...
The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of transport research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). The partners of WBC-INCO.NET and relevant experts compiled reports on the research system in the field of environmentfor each Western Balkan country. The reports have been discussed in a workshop for priority setting and resulted in the ...
This Annual Report from the Commission gives an overview of developments and activities in the year 2008.  It is accompanied by a Commission Staff Working Document which provides more detailed reporting and statistics. The main chapters deal with the activities and results achieved in 2008 and with trends in research and technological development activities in the European Union Member States. European Commission (Ed) Annual Report on research and technological ...
... a complex picture that shows a vast range of perceptions about the EU at a country-level and below. Opinions recorded in the survey range from outright and even growing EU euphoria (e.g. in Kosovo and Albania) to the start of a feeling of alienation (e.g. in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). The GBM results from the FYR of Macedonia and Bosnia also reflect the often conflicting views of ethnic groups living within these countries; these situations make it difficult for both European and national policymakers to create an all-encompassing policy.   Gallup Balkan Monitor: Focus On:Perceptions of the EU in the Western Balkans, 2009. Gallup Balkan Monitor http://www.balkan-monitor ...
The Gallup Balkan Monitor’s Focus on Migration report brings first-hand data to this ongoing debate, as it summarises the experiences and opinions of Balkan people on all aspects of migration. This data was collected in two waves of the Balkan Monitor survey – in 2006 and 2008. The findings show that while relatively high percentages of Western Balkan residents have considered leaving their home countries, these numbers have tended to decrease in recent years. Relatively few people ...
... Topics called Funding Schemes REGPOT-2010-1. Unlocking and developing the research potential of research entities in the EU´s convergence regions and outermost regions Any research topic covered by the EC FP7 CSA-SA (Support Action) WBC Participation to Research Potential Call for Convergenece and Outermost Regions All regions of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are eligible for participation. Type of activities/work: Exchange of know-how and experience Recruitment by the applicant of experienced researchers Upgrading, development or acquisition of research equipment Organisation of workshops and conferences Dissemination and promotional activities optional: Evaluation facility The General Purpose of ...
... process to the European Union, one-on-one meetings will be arranged among participants. For further information, please visit From: 19 November 2009 To: 20 November 2009 The Regional Economic Forum for South East Europe - REF SEE 2009 will be held in Sarajevo under auspices of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina from November 19-20, 2009
The project aims at encouraging closer scientific and technological (S&T) cooperation between Europe and the Western Balkan countries (WBCs: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia) in the area of surface transport. It further seeks to establish an EU-Balkan transport network of researchers, universities, industry and experts among these countries in order to improve and enlarge the research capacity of Western Balkan centres of competence in terms of research programmes and ...
47% eGovernment Development in the WBCs News 27. Oct. 2009
... the sector are rising. The INA Academy – Hellenic Aid ‘Center for eGovernance Program @ SEE’ was launched in May 2008 to underpin this development and support WBC governments in the process of human capacity building and eGov project design. The competent ministries or authorities for ICT from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the FYR of Macedonia and Serbia participated as primary partner institutions from each country. The program was placed under the operational framework of the regional Center for eGovernance Development - CeGD. The “Center” delivered a set of executive eGov training seminars and an electronic learning platform that enabled ...
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