National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest

Founded in 2001 as a joint stock company and reorganized in 2004 under Government Decision no. 1282, published in Official Gazette no. 775/24.08.04, National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Bucharest, is currently a national institute which carries out the tradition activities, recognized in the field of electrical engineering. The patrimony of the institute consists of private ownership of state assets, which it has under management, and of their goods. The institute has an important scientific basis in the field, INCDIE ICPE-CA occupies a well-defined national position, being among the most active and efficient research units. This has been certified by the Excellence Award for the most efficient promotion of research results, awarded by National Authority for Scientific Research in 2008, and by the Award for assimilation into industrial manufacturing of a series of synchronous generators for wind micro turbines, awarded by the General Association of Romanian Engineers in 2010. Promotion o R&D. With a special opening to what is Research-Development-Innovation and especially to applied research in electrical engineering, the institute has addressed over the years for projects with impact to develop the scientific, economic and social environment. From the beginning until now, the institute has enjoyed a continuous scientific, technological, economic and social progress which has facilitated development of a large number of scientific papers, many studies and approvals, and last but not least, the number of important transfers in industry. INCDIE ICPE-CA promotes and takes applied research in national and international background in electrical engineering (materials, electrotechnology, new energy sources, dynamic balancing and vibration, electromagnetic compatibility, etc.) The promotion of these areas and projects are to the benefit of companies – private as well as public – and for the general benefit of society. National and international Profile. Developing technological innovation for customers, ICPE-CA increases their competitiveness both in Romania and in Europe. Research activities carried promotes economic development of society and lead to social welfare, in compatibility with environment. INCDIE ICPE-CA operates through its representatives as members in the European platforms: EuMaT - Steering Committee; H2 & Fuel Cell - Mirror Group; Manufuture (member) and national: EuMaT Platform in Romania; National Group of Reflectance EuMaT; Platform for hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Romania and the Alliance for hydrogen and fuel cells), as well as other professional associations: National Technical Committees of Romanian Standards Association; IEEE Society – USA; SRMM (Romanian Society of Magnetic Materials) affiliated at UKMS (UK Society of Magnetic Materials); ARM (Romanian Society of Materials), Romanian Society of Ceramics, Romanian Society of Physics, Romanian Society of Biomaterials, Romanian Federation of Biomedical Engineering, CER (Romanian Committee of Electrical Engineering), ARIES (Romanian Association of Electronics and Software), CCIRMB (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania), thus contributing to the harmonization of the Romanian policy research with the European ones. Staff and expertiese. Institute staff in 2009 is composed of high-class specialists who have a high potential for assimilation of the latest technologies in the field and always adapting to the market requirements. Thus, in proportion of 71% of those 199 employees with higher education, 58 are doctors, 32 are PhD students having quite different specializations (physics, chemistry, electrotechnics, metallurgy, mechanics, and biology) and 6 are master students. ICPE-CA has a broad network of specialists in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy within the Romanian context available for research and audits for the project. Research areas. A. Basic and applied research in the field of electrical engineering; B. Technical support and consultancy in the field of electrical engineering; C. Information, documentation and staff training in the field of electrical engineering. Services and technological tranfers. · Basic and applied research, development and innovation in the field of electrical engineering; · Small-scale manufacturing activities in the field of electrical engineering materials and their applications in industry; · Engineering activities, probe sampling, tests and measurements; · Technological development in the processing field of the industrial wastes and the ecologic rehabilitation; · Elaboration of technical and economical norms of national interest concerning the assurance of the fundamental demands in the electrical engineering field; · Building of strategies for SMEs development; · Technical assistance and consulting in the electrical engineering field; · Information, documentation and personal training in the electrical engineering field.; · Technical support, supplying of scientific and technological services for companies or any interested beneficiary, by testing laboratories: - Laboratory for Characterization and Testing of Electrotechnical Materials and Products; - Laboratory for Bioelectromagnetic Compatibility; - Laboratory for Thermal Analysis; - Laboratory for MEMS and NEMS Measurements.
Department / Unit
Advanced Materials
Contact details
Phone:+40 21 3467231
Fax:+40 21 3468299
Address: 313 Splaiul Unirii, Bucharest - 3, Postal code: RO-030138
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Codescu Mirela Maria on June 6, 2011
Modified on June 6, 2011