Ms Mirela Maria Codescu

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National research projects in the field of magnetic materials for electric engineering; Bilateral scientific projects with Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna (Russia) and China Iron & Steel Research Institute Beijing Group (P. R. of China) and scientific collaboration with Vinca Nuclear Institute Research (Serbia), INRIM Torino (Italy); Projects in the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme - ctr. RO-BG Cross-Border no. MIS-ETC code 222/2011, “Romanian - Bulgarian joint cooperation for a long-term and sustainable development of the young human resources in the field of the renewable energy technologies, in order to overcome the socio-cultural barrier and to open common opportunities for getting a job and their employment along the cross - border area (RES-OP-DEV); European Projects - ctr. no. 206119/2007 FP7-REGPOT-2: “Promotion of Competence to Up-grade the RTD Potential in Science and Technology” (PROCUST). Projects during evaluation in the SEE Programme: - “Entrepreneurs and managers of business networks” (NET-PRENEURSHIP); - "Microbiz for European Entrepreneurship and Technology transfer" (MEET); - "The Assessment, Analysis and Optimization of the Placement of Renewable Power Sources, as Well as Training the Population for Energy Efficiency, Using Specific Benchmarking Methods/ Energ-Benchmarking (ENERG BENCH)". Interest on the policies related to the innovation and technological transfer of the scientific research results in the industry, interest expressed by the affiliation to the Enterprise European Network (as member of the BisNet Transylvania project team) and European Technological Platform - EuMaT (as member of the Romanian Mirror Group).
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