Ms Codescu Mirela Maria

senior researcher
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Projects: : - “Temperature Stability and Corrosion Resistance of Rare Earth - Transition Metals Magnets”, project INCO – COPERNICUS No. ERBIC 15 CT 96 – 0758, 1997 – 1999 (project manager); - “Neutron diffraction and SANS study of magnetic phases in nanocrystalline Fe-Cu alloys”, Joint Research Work Romania – Russia, 2005-2007 (project manager); - “Magnetic and Crystalline Structures in biphasic Nd2Fe14B/apha-Fe, Fe3B system”, Joint Research Work Romania – Russia, 2007 - 2010 (project manager); - Project FP 7-REGPOT-2, No. 206119/2008, “Promotion of Competence to Up-grade the RTD Potential in Science and Technology” - PROCUST (project manager); - Joint Research Work Romania – Republic of China, “Using High–frequency Transformer Quenching of Nanocrystalline Materials”, 2007-2008 (member of team); - “Investigation on magnetic composite materials based on the Mn-Bi by means of neutron diffraction”, Joint Research Work Romania – Russia, 2010- 2012 (member of team); - CIP Project no. EEN 225559/2008: “Business Innovation Support Network Transylvania”, acronym BisNet Transylvania (member of team). - FP 6 Project, no.17240/2004, “Strengthening of the RDI Potential for Advanced Materials and Composites to Enhance the Performance of the Electrical Industry” – INDUMAT (member of team); Interest in the platforma: - development of innovative clusters in the field of advanced materials and renewable energies; - regional R&D policies; - scientific collaboration in the field of functional materials.
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