News archive - [Event Review]: COST BESTPRAC Training School
This training in Belgrade was focused on: " How to manage key financial tasks for H2020 European research and innovation projects: Finance for Beginners"
This training school was designed for administrative staff who have been assigned to financial related tasks, and who:
● are not familiar with the financial rules of H2020 (either participating as partner or as coordinator), and/or
● have little or no practical experience or training in how to perform and solve these tasks.
The school tried to propose practical solutions through practical examples and exercises as well as Q&A sessions and discussions.
Key financial rules were explained even if the goal was to provide practical skills for your toolbox, and a step-by-step overview of suggested best practices for the most important financial tasks.
For the first time, web streaming of the event was available at:
Trainers were
Per Inge Andresen, Senior adviser, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mag. Dr. Wolfram Rieneck, Deputy Head of Service Center Research, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
Geraldine Leonard, European Project manager, Université d'Orléans, France
Francesca Tomasi, Head Administrative Officer, University of Trento, Italy
Darina Zaimova, Associate Professor, Trakia University
For more information on subjects discussed please refer to:
Local organizer: Marina Matovic
Training School Managers (for questions on the COST Training School programme): Madalena Martins and
Cristina Oliveira
- General/no specific focus
- General
Entry created by Admin on June 8, 2018
Modified on June 8, 2018