Transport Research & Innovation Portal (TRIP)

TRIP is the new name given to the former TRKC, Transport Research Knowledge Centre. Created in 1997, the initiative currently funded by DG MOVE under the 7FP, strongly contributes to a wide dissemination and promotion of transport research & innovation. The Portal now presents advanced and user friendly search and navigation capabilities to find transport research projects and related information. A number of additional references have been added to the Project Database, including an increased number of project deliverables. To keep you up to date on transport research & innovation activities implemented by EU Institutions and the Research Community at large, the former TRKC services will continue: News is displayed on the TRIP Portal, together with an Events Calendar of the key transport conferences taking place worldwide. This information will reach you directly if you subscribe to the monthly TRIP e-Newsletter.

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • FP7
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on April 26, 2012
Modified on April 26, 2012