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  • Posted on December 18, 2013
  • Open Access in Horizon 2020

    To help potential participants in Horizon 2020, the European Commission has published a fact sheet dedicated to open access in Horizon 2020. In particular, the following questions are covered in this ... read more

  • Posted on December 17, 2013
  • ERA-LEARN Newsletter Vol. 6

    The sixth issue of the ERA-LEARN newsletter is now available for download, as PDF document, using this link. The newsletter features latest news and information on: ERA-NET Cofund under ... read more

  • Posted on December 17, 2013
  • New EBRD Energy Strategy

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has adopted a new strategy that will guide its investments in the energy and natural resources sector for the next five years. ... read more

  • Posted on December 17, 2013
  • Knowledge Transfer Study 2010 – 2012

    Europe seems to be better at producing high-level knowledge than at converting it into socio-economic benefits. In addition to the classical modes of transfer and dissemination of knowledge, such as research... read more

  • Posted on December 3, 2013
  • EU's Financial Report 2012

    The 2012 Financial Report by the European Commission shows that 94% of the total EUR 135.6 billion of the EU 2012 budget was dedicated to beneficiaries across Europe such as researchers, students, small... read more

  • Posted on December 2, 2013
  • EBRD: Transition Report 2013

    Emerging countries are in danger of forever trailing the living standards of more advanced market economies, but the EBRD argues in its Transition Report 2013 that they can still break through... read more

  • Posted on November 18, 2013
  • SEE 2020 Strategy

    In 2011, the Ministers in charge of the Economy adopted the SEE 2020 Vision, laying out the region’s growth and development priorities contained in five pillars – (i) integrated, (ii) smart, (iii) sustainable... read more

  • Posted on November 18, 2013
  • Automatic Patent Analysis

    Experts reckon that much of the technical information contained in patents is not available anywhere else, and that it contains around 80% of the worldwide technical knowledge. However, patent information... read more

  • Posted on November 5, 2013
  • Researchers' Report 2013

    The 2013 edition of the Researchers' Report, which is the second of three annual reports focusing on the profession of 'researcher' in Europe and the extent to  which progress is being made towards... read more

  • Posted on October 16, 2013
  • Progress Report on Albania 2013

    The Progress Report on Albania is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 16 October. The European Commission concluded that Albania made good progress on its path towards... read more

  • Posted on October 16, 2013
  • Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013

    The Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 16 October. The Commission concluded that Bosnia and Herzegovina has made very... read more

  • Posted on October 16, 2013
  • Progress Report on Kosovo* 2013

    The Progress Report on Kosovo* is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 16 October. The Commission concluded that 2013 has been a historic year for Kosovo* on its ... read more

  • Posted on October 16, 2013
  • Progress Report on Montenegro 2013

    The Progress Report on Montenegro is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted today by the European Commission. This is the second Progress Report on Montenegro since the country opened accession ... read more

  • Posted on October 16, 2013
  • Progress Report on Serbia 2013

    The Progress Report on Serbia is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 16 October. 2013 was a historic year for relations between the EU and Serbia with the decision... read more

  • Posted on October 16, 2013
  • Enlargement Strategy Paper 2013 - 2014

    Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2013-2014. This communication by the European Comission sets out the way forward for the coming year and takes stock of the progress made over the last... read more

  • Posted on October 15, 2013
  • New OECD report on Intangible Assets

    In the new report Supporting Investment in Knowledge Capital, Growth and Innovation, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) concludes that investment in knowledge-based... read more

  • Posted on October 10, 2013
  • Social innovation research in the European Union

    This Policy Review is the result of a joint initiative of the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, Unit ‘Social Sciences and Humanities’, and the FP7 project WILCO – ‘Welfare innovations... read more

  • Posted on October 2, 2013
  • Cost-Effective IP Tools

    Different studies show that small businesses face several difficulties in using the intellectual property (IP) system. Among them, costs related to the acquisition, maintenance and enforcement of IP... read more

  • Posted on October 1, 2013
  • EUREKA Cluster Report 2012

    The report features five chapters that detail what EUREKA Clusters are, what makes them essential and the success of their impact on new economic and societal challenges. Compiled during the Turkish Chairmanship... read more

  • Posted on September 24, 2013
  • ERA progress report - 2013

    EU leaders have repeatedly stressed the importance of completing the European Research Area, setting a deadline of 2014 in European Council conclusions of February 2011 and March 2012. This report... read more

  • Posted on September 10, 2013
  • Open University Innovating Pedagogy 2013 report

    This is the second in the Open University’s influential series of Innovating Pedagogy reports that explore new forms of teaching, learning and assessment, to guide educators and policy makers. The 2013... read more

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