New OECD report on Intangible Assets

In the new report Supporting Investment in Knowledge Capital, Growth and Innovation, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) concludes that investment in knowledge-based capital (KBC) increases growth and productivity.

Knowledge-based capital (KBC) “results from business investment in non-physical assets such as R&D, data, software, patents, new business models, organizational processes, firm-specific skills and designs. “ According to this report, intellectual property rights (IPR) is an increasingly important condition to invest in knowledge-based capital (KBC), but “IPR rules have not always kept pace with technological change”.

To read this report, please click here.

Source: IPR helpdesk

Knowledge-based capital (KBC) results from business investment in non-physical assets such as R&D, data, software, patents, new business models, organizational processes, firm-specific skills and designs. This publication brings together the results of a two-year programme of work at the OECD on New Sources of Growth and the role of Knowledge-based Capital (NSG-KBC). This work shows that business investment in KBC is a key to future productivity growth and living standards. In many countries, business investment in KBC has increased faster than - and in some countries significantly exceeds - investment in physical capital (like machinery). To promote long-term growth and the jobs of tomorrow, governments must ensure that framework conditions, institutions and policies facilitate business investment in KBC. Emerging economies are also making concerted efforts to help their businesses accumulate KBC. This book sets out policy analyses and recommendations in the fields of: innovation; taxation; entrepreneurship and business development; corporate reporting; big data; competition and measurement.

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 15, 2013
Modified on October 15, 2013