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  • Posted on February 26, 2008
  • SME Development Strategy in BiH 2005-2007

    Small and medium enterprises may have considerable influence on the development of BiH. With aright development policy, legal framework and coordinated institutional support on all levels, SMEsmight win... read more

  • Posted on February 22, 2008
  • Poverty Reducation Strategy Paper

    Most of the transition economies have suffered from rising poverty rates amongtheir populations. The experience of the Republic of Macedonia has been no different.Over the past few years, the country ... read more

  • Posted on February 22, 2008
  • Action Plan Bologna Implementation Macedonia

    In the Bergen Communiqué, Ministers committed themselves to "draw up national action plans to improve the quality of the process associated with the recognition of foreign qualifications. These plans... read more

  • Posted on February 18, 2008

    This is the seventh edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). The EIS is the instrument developed at the initiative of the European Commission, under the Lisbon Strategy, to provide a comparative... read more

  • Posted on January 28, 2008
  • STI statistics in Romania

    This is a powerpoint presentation by Maria Predonu, elaborated for the UNESCO workshop in Skopje on March 27, 2007. The presentation is giving an overview over recent developments in the production of... read more

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