Analytica Newsletter: Enlarge EU - Slovenian Presidency of EU

"The Western Balkans states, all along the long road towards EU membership, have great expectations from the Slovene presidency – they expect integration of the Western Balkans to climb at the top of the EU agenda. Are those expectations realistic and substantiated?" ..... more

An important message is made explicit in this 1-page newsletter published in January 2008: Western Balkans states can do more than to rely on the Slovenians as promoters of their countries’ interests: A more clear and unified voice from the leaders in the region would assist Slovenian efforts. Considering the great importance EU officials attach to regional cooperation a strong regional effort would boost the visibility and salience of the Western Balkans in the EU and lead to concrete steps forward in revitalizing the Thessaloniki Agenda.

Analytica: Newsletter Enlarge EU. Available from, as accessed in January 2008.


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 25, 2008
Modified on January 25, 2008