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... shows its full dedication to the enlargement process and inclusiveness.” “Over the past years, Serbia has gone through a tremendous change, showing courage to deal with most challenging issues: normalization of relations with Kosovo*, fight against corruption and recession, at the same time showing full dedication to regional cooperation.” In this respect, Svilanovic underlined the important contribution of Serbia and all countries of the region ...
... to debate current problems that the Balkan states are facing nowadays, as well as the emerging issues of confronting the past and managing good governance in the future.” Srdjan M. Jovanović and Veran Stančetić Center for Good Governance Studies / Centar za studije dobrog upravljanja Belgrade, Serbia ...
... apply for a scholarship (except for Bachelor), on condition that they are registered at or obtained a degree from an EU university.For more detailed eligibility criteria, please check this link. Eligible Western Balkan countries are: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo* (under UNSCR 1244/99) and Serbia. More information on Basileus I, Basileus II, Basileus III and Basileus IV can be found here.  More information on the current project Basileus V can be found here ...
European Commission - MEMO/14/41 'Good morning, dobar dan i dobro došli! Ovo je istorijskij dan za Srbiju, ovo je istorijskij dan za EU. This is a historic day for Serbia and also for the EU. The country is taking another important step on its path to the European Union. Today we made a symbolic start, at the highest political level, to the practical negotiations of individual chapters that will follow in the months and years to come. This first accession ...
... continued, and contacts with researchers from observatories in Tenerife and La Palma in Spain have been forged. “I can say that the Belissima project has attracted attention whenever its activities and plans for a new telescope have been presented,” says Samurovic. It is hoped that the refurbished observatory will inspire Serbia’s astronomers of the future, and lead to greater public understanding of the science. “The degree of scientific illiteracy in Serbia is alarmingly high,” says Samurovic. “Therefore, we expect that through the popularisation of our work, we may significantly improve the present situation. A series of TV programmes dedicated to ...
... Bosnia and Herzegovina Starting from Scratch: The Role of Media Assistance in the Establishment of Independent Media Institutions in Kosovo* Assisting Media Democratization after Low-Intensity Conflict: The Case of FYR of Macedonia Media Reforms in Turbulent Times: The Role of Media Assistance in the Establishment of Independent Media Institutions in Serbia The Uncertain Future: Centers for Investigative Journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Media Assistance: Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo* Looking for Shortcuts? Assistance to – and Development of – Public Service Broadcasting Building Media Systems in the Western Balkans: Lost between Models and Realities RRPP ...
... pre-defined categories. The model for these indicators is the Bologna Process Scorecard – used in the 2012 Bologna Implementation Report. The Scoreboard covers all 28 EU Member States, as well as Iceland, Turkey, Liechtenstein and Norway. Data is not available for Switzerland. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYRoM), Montenegro and Serbia are not covered by the report as they joined the Eurydice network in the course of 2013, after the project had started. This document is published by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA, Eurydice and Policy Support) and is to be quoted as the European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice ...
... and the Commission. The data was collected and checked between summer 2012 and summer 2013. The Eurydice Network provides information on and analyses of European education systems and policies. It consists of 40 national units based in 36 countries (EU Member States, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland). It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels, which drafts its studies and provides a range of online resources3. How were the indicators in the Scoreboard developed? To understand how the scoreboard was developed, it is useful ...
... the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. For any additional information, please send an E-mail to the organizers: or Original Source The Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje (FYROM), Centre for Empirical Cultural Studies of South-East Europe (Serbia), Social Research Kosova (Kosovo*) and Centre for Social Research “Analitika” (Bosnia-Herzegovina) are issuing a call for papers to be published in the volume “A Life for Tomorrow – Social Transformations in South-East Europe”. Priority will be given to papers presented at the “Lost in Transition” conference held on July 6th and ...
... and maintenance Human factor in transport systems Transport management issues Transport optimization problems Low-volume roads: planning, design, construction, safety, maintenance, operations, environmental and social issues Transport equity appraisal Transportation policy, etc. International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE Belgrade 2014) will be held on 27-28th November 2014 in Belgrade (Serbia) and will be co-hosted by the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering. Hotel Moscow/Belgrade
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