News archive - [Call Upcoming Deadline] Basileus V - Scholarships for academic exchange between EU and Western Balkans

Basileus V is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project and is funded by the European Commission.  The project consortium consists of 10 EU universities and 10 universities in the Western Balkans. Basileus V provides funding for academic mobility from Bachelor to staff from:
  • any Western Balkan institution to one of the EU partner universities 
  • an EU university to one of the Western Balkan partner universities
Via a so-called Target Group 2 any national of the participating Western Balkan countries can apply for a scholarship (except for Bachelor), on condition they have obtained a higher education degree in the Western Balkans. Also EU nationals can apply for a scholarship (except for Bachelor), on condition that they are registered at or obtained a degree from an EU university.For more detailed eligibility criteria, please check this link. Eligible Western Balkan countries are: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo* (under UNSCR 1244/99) and Serbia.

More information on Basileus I, Basileus II, Basileus III and Basileus IV can be found here
More information on the current project Basileus V can be found here.

Questions on applications can only be answered until Thursday evening 30 January (17.00h).

Before applying online: 
  • Check the eligibility criteria!
  • Check the info sheets and academic offers of the requested host universities;
  • Check theoverview of the scholarships on offer;
  • Consider contacting the department where you would like to study: this way you will obtain more information on their study opportunities and formalities;
  • Take note of the difference between exchange and degree and know that there are much more scholarships for exchange than for degree:
    • exchange mobility takes place during your studies: you enroll at home and the results obtained during 1 or 2 semesters abroad are recognised for your degree at your home university
    • degree mobility takes place after your studies: you enroll at the host university and obtain your degree there, there is no connection anymore with your home university
  • Read the guidelines for applicants of your category:
  • Bachelor and master exchange
  • Master degree  
  • PhD and Postdoc exchange
  • Staff exchange

Below you can find an overview of the applications per type of mobility, more details are posted on the news section:




Grants Available

Selected candidates

BA 1 semester

8 %

15 %

15 %

BA 1 year

13 %

15 %

15 %

MA 1 semester

5 %

12 %

10 %

MA 1 year

18 %

16 %

16 %

MA 2 years

31 %

7 %

8 %

PhD 6 months

2 %

3 %

4 %

PhD 10 months

3 %

7 %

7 %

PhD 34 months

9 %

3 %

4 %

Postdoc 6 months

1 %

3 %

3 %

Postdoc 10 months

2 %

2 %

3 %

Staff 1 month

8 %

15 %

15 %

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on January 24, 2014
Modified on January 24, 2014