Working Paper Series on Media Assistance in the Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia

This working paper series deals with the central question whether ‘models’ of media systems that have developed in the West can be exported to other countries, where democracy is less consolidated.

All the related publications have been prepared as a part of the project Development of Functional Media Institutions in Western Balkans - A Comparative Study implemented in 2012 and 2013 by the Center for Social Research Analitika from Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) from FYR of Macedonia, the Albanian Media Institute (AMI), from Albania, and the Democracy for Development (D4D) from Kosovo*.

Limited Assistance for Limited Impact: International Media Assistance in Albania

Media Reforms through Intervention: International Media Assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Starting from Scratch: The Role of Media Assistance in the Establishment of Independent Media Institutions in Kosovo*

Assisting Media Democratization after Low-Intensity Conflict: The Case of FYR of Macedonia

Media Reforms in Turbulent Times: The Role of Media Assistance in the Establishment of Independent Media Institutions in Serbia

The Uncertain Future: Centers for Investigative Journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Media Assistance: Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo*

Looking for Shortcuts? Assistance to – and Development of – Public Service Broadcasting

Building Media Systems in the Western Balkans: Lost between Models and Realities

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on January 14, 2014
Modified on January 14, 2014