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... for the high level group on modernisation of higher education, which was launched by Commissioner Vassiliou in November 2011. Eurydice The Eurydice network consists of 40 national units based in 36 countries (EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey). Eurydice is co-ordinated by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. For more information The full report is available in English on the Eurydice website European Commission: Education and training Androulla Vassiliou's website Follow Androulla Vassiliou on Twitter @VassiliouEU Contacts : Dennis Abbott ...
This is  the joint report  (Spring 2013) to the EU Parliament and the Council - on Serbia's progress in achieving the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria and notably the key priority of taking steps towards a visible and sustainable improvement of relations with Kosovo.
  The interview was given by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to  the Serbian monthly Kurir Go International. In the interview, RCC Secretary General speaks about importance of regional cooperation in South East Europe (SEE), RCC activities and preparation of SEE 2020 Strategy. 
This is the Spring 2013 - joint report to the European Parliament and the Council on *Kosovo's progress in addressing issues set out in the Council conclusions of December 2012 in view of a possible decision on the opening of negotiations on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. ...
  Recommendation for a COUNCIL DECISION authorising the opening of negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo*.
... must now be implemented quickly. He congratulated the leaders of both sides on their commitment, courage and vision. He furthermore shown confident that the agreement reached between the two sides will pave the way for the Council to take decisions on the next steps on the European path of Serbia and Kosovo. The people of Serbia and Kosovo want to move forward and make their European perspective a reality. This is crucial for the stability, security and prosperity of South Eastern Europe and of the European Union as a whole. The reaction of the Commissioner Štefan Füle's to the results of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue was ...
... recommendations today are therefore clear: both Serbia and Kosovo deserve to move on decisively in their EU perspectives. This is good news for the people in Serbia and Kosovo, and in the whole region’ added EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle. Key findings The report on Serbia underlines that Serbia has met the key priority of taking steps towards a visible and sustainable improvement of relations with Kosovo. Serbia has actively and constructively engaged in the EU-facilitated dialogue with Pristina. Implementation of agreements reached in the dialogue has continued, including on integrated border management, representation of Kosovo in regional fora ...
... top-notch experts in the smart specialisation concepts as well as practitioners experienced in the implementation of the research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation in practice. More than 45 participants from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, FYR of Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain and Ukraine have contributed to the workshop. The focus of the first day lied on the theoretical concepts underlying the definition of the smart specialisation strategies while during the second day; participants got a chance to apply theoretical concepts in the practical group work session in the morning ...
... funds in science and scientific research? Are scientific research results used in public policies and decision making in the region? Guests of the show were experts from the RRPP regional network: in Belgrade – MP and Member of the “Education, Science, Technical Development and Information Society Board” in the Parliament of Serbia, Dr Neven Cvetićanin; In Skopje – Professor at the International Balkan University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Dr Snežana Bilić-Sotiroska and in Sarajevo, RPPP researcher and Assistant Professor at the Economic Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Dr Adnan Efendić. The show (in Bosnian language) may be watched online. Sources: RRPP The ...
... the project leader (Prof. Klaus Bachmann from SWPS) and the two main coordinators Irena Ristić (Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade) and Prof. Gerhard Kemp (Law Faculty of Stellenbosch University) seek researchers who are either very familiar with or residents of the following countries: Sudan South-Sudan Libya Kenya Kosovo Republic of Serbia Croatia Bosnia-Hercegovina (Muslim-Croatian Federation) Bosnia Hercegovina (Republika Srpska) Rwanda Familiarity with the country is to be understood as the ability to conduct field research, interviews, collect research material and analyze written publically accessible sources in the main languages of the country's media system. It is helpful, but no precondition, to ...
... interests of both Serbia and Kosovo, and of the entire Western Balkans region, as well as of the European Union as a whole. It is time for Serbia and Kosovo to move on from the past and look ahead to a common European future. We hope the two leaderships will seize the historical opportunity ...
... 6128, Balkan countries do not have a coherent and continuous approach towards the challenge of implementing integrated Earth Observation (EO) applications in environmental monitoring and management. It should be mentioned that the Balkan countries, except Greece, are not ESA members. Besides, Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, FYROM, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina are also not members of the GEO. The defect in the implementation of EO applications and their use in the environmental decision making are manifested through the limited synergies among national and regional institutions, ineffective technological means and discontinuous record of participation to international ...
... organised as part of the Novi Sad conference. It is here where Western Balkan journalists will share their perspectives on  Europeanisation.   In June 2013, each team/institution will organise local presentations of their research results.    Involved Countries (4): FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia   Involved Institutions: 1. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad 2. Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo 3. Independent researchers – Macedonia (Dejan Donev, Daniela Blaževska, Jordan Dukov, Veronika Kamchevska, Naum Trajanovski, Vlatko Chalovski, 4. Independent researchers – Montenegro (Natasa Ružić, Andrijana Rabrenović, Dejan Lučić, Marija Ivanović, Ivan Otović)   ...
... the University of Ljubljana came 44th in 2009 and Jožef Stefan ranked 75th in 2008. Next after Slovenia was Croatia with 57 projects worth €18,542,000 (Romania and Bulgaria were ahead of it with 122 and 76 projects respectively, worth €32,345,000 and €19,916,000). Serbia and Montenegro, still treated as one entity, had 36 projects worth €9,773,000 followed by Albania with three projects worth €671,000. Bosnia and Herzegovina only had two projects, worth €311,000 while Macedonia had none. Looking at the trends for 2007-2011, three groupings emerge, with Slovenia clearly standing ...
... The RRPP is aimed at fostering and promoting social science research in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Social science research aids in the understanding of the specific needs for reform and in identifying the long-term implications of potential policy choices. Researchers receive support through research grants, methodological and thematic trainings, as well as opportunities for regional and international exchange and networking. The RRPP is coordinated and operated ...
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Dept. Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade 35, POB 34, Serbia Prof. Dr. Čedomir Duboka + 381 11 3340 762 The FRIMEKS Laboratory consists of two full-scale inertia brake dynamometers of the PSK family and 2  full-scale inertia clutch test stands of the PSS family intended for laboratory testing of ...
... EUROPOL threat analysis project for the Danube Region. Background The Strategy was launched in 2011 (IP/11/472) after a request 2 years earlier by EU governments. The 14 countries in the macro-region (8 EU members ) are: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova. The first Annual Forum of the EUSDR was held in Regensburg, Germany in November 2012 - with Chancellor Angela Merkel as keynote speaker The second Annual Forum will be held in Bucharest, Romania on 28/29 October this year. The Danube is ...
... Forum—agenda, application form, material for participants—will be available on the CBP website soon. Source: Cross Border Programme Croatia-Serbia Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Program Croatia-Serbia, in cooperation with Operating Structures and with the support of the Contracting Bodies of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia, is organizing a Partner Search Forum prior to the Third Call for Proposals of IPA CBP Croatia-Serbia in Osijek on 19th April 2013. We are inviting you to ensure the visibility of your project idea by filling out the form on our web-site ...
The high propensity of students who consider emigration primarily as a temporary move for educational purposes seems to be the most striking result. It is striking because the result is so clear, and it is striking because it contrasts with the widespread view that young people from the Balkan region are mainly driven by dissatisfaction at home and lured by unrealistic expectations of a better life abroad. In stark contrast to this view, the study shows that the rationale and intentions of ...
... from the first and second Calls for Proposals. For more information on work-shops in Croatia and Serbia please see the website. Application deadline at least 7 days prior to the workshop. The number of participants is limited to at least two people per organization. Schedule for work-shops in Croatia and Serbia: City/State Venue and address Date Time Novi Sad, Serbia Skupština grada Novog Sada (Velika sala), Žarka Zrenjanina 2 8-9 April 2013 9 am (registration of participants) Vinkovci, Croatia Ekonomska škola Ivana Domca, A. Akšamovića 31 11-12 April 2013 9 am (registration of participants) Subotica, Serbia Otvoreni univerzitet Subotica (Sala 213), Trg cara Jovana Nenada 15 15-16 April 2013 9 ...
30% JRC Annual Report 2012 Document 4. Apr. 2013
This report provides an overview of the JRC's main achievements in the past year, highlighting the scientific and technical support to financial stability, to growth, jobs and innovation, as well as to agriculture and global food security, low carbon economy and resource efficiency. The report also addresses public health and safety and security, including nuclear safety and security. In her foreword, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, ...
... Security. Type Other Geographical focus General/no specific focus International; Other Scientific focus Social Sciences Download here the Call for Papers  Belgrade_Security_Forum_Call_for_Papers.pdf (pdf, 105.52Kb) The Forum is co-organized by the  Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence and the European Movement in Serbia, on 19-21 SEptember 2013. The Forum is the biggest international security conference in Southeast Europe which gathers several hundred top level policy and decision makers, NGO leaders, experts, academics and journalists each year. The Belgrade Security Forum is a unified event divided into two portions: an academic event which takes ...
... universities participating in the Conference of Rectors of the Alps-Adriatic Universities and the Danube Rectors' Conference and the respective partners, both private and public, in the following countries: Albania (North-west), Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg and Bayern), Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino, Veneto, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna), Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine (Odessa), Ungheria.  Activities are carried out jointly by the University of Trieste, the University of Udine, SISSA - the International School of Advanced Studies, and AREA Science Park of Trieste.  Thematic seminars  In the framework of the DIAnet project, AREA Science Park organizes  ...
... of Macedonia – Kosovo EUR 2.400.000 26 November 2012 Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR 4.000.000 7 December 2012 Croatia – Serbia EUR 4.000.000 11 December 2012 Croatia – Montenegro EUR 2.000.000 11 December 2012 Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro EUR 2.400.000 8 November 2012 Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR 4.000.000 13 December 2012 Serbia – Montenegro EUR 2.400.000 13 December 2012 More information: Contacts : Anca Paduraru (+32 2 296 64 30) Peter Stano (+32 2 295 74 84) The European Commission has finalised a series of measures to promote regional cooperation between ...
... grant letter sent by the OeAD-GmbH can be used for obtaining a visa if applicable. For the application form, contact details and further information on the program please take a look at the section "Important Documents & Links" below. Target countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia Target groups: Higher Education Institutions, Individuals Duration: until further notice Partners: University of Graz Österreichische Austauschdienst Gesellschaft - OeAD-GmbH Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research Important Documents & Links     Questions and Answers    Statement of Advisor Application form Source: WUS The main purpose of the scholarship ...
... EU’s regional leadership and relationship with each country. The program will also examine the common post-war mediation and reconciliation process of the previous decade in the Balkan region. A select number of scholarship will be awarded to participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. To apply for a scholarship, submit CV (in Europass format) and letter of motivation to the apply link mentioned below ...
... The report covers the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, and focuses on national policies and mechanisms for cooperation between the two sectors. TACSO’s initial intention was to prepare a report as a background material for its regional conference on cooperation between CSOs and public institutions, “Keeping up the Momentum: Improving Civil Society Cooperation with Public Institutions ...
This final Monitoring Report assesses the progress made by Croatia in its preparations for accession in the period between 1 September 2012 and 28 February 2013.  This assessment is based on information gathered and analysed by the Commission, including input provided by Croatia, peer assessment missions as well as information shared by the Member States, international and civil society organisations, in their regular contacts with the Commission. The assessment is also based on the ...
... lag in data availability). However, the findings also show that most younger EU member states are are below EU average and considered moderate or modest innovators. Still, countries such as Slovenia, Cyprus, Estonia and Czech Republic have already developed into quite innovative members. Also, countries such as Norway, Croatia and Serbia are considered moderate innovators with a lot of potential for further innovation development as the graph and below show.   Image source: IUS 2013 report Note: Average performance is measured using a composite indicator building on data for 24 indicators ranging from a lowest possible performance of 0 to a ...
30% Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013 Document 26. Mar. 2013
... of the research and innovation performance of the EU27 Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. It helps Member States assess areas in which they need to concentrate their efforts in order to boost their innovation performance. In addition, the Scoreboard covers Croatia, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. On a more limited number of indicators, available internationally, it also covers Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the US. Every two years the Innovation Union Scoreboard is accompanied by a Regional Innovation ...
This Synthesis Report was prepared on the basis of National Contributions from 24 EMN NCPs (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway)1 according to Common Specifications developed by the EMN and followed by EMN NCPs to ensure, to the extent possible, comparability. National Contributions were largely ...
The project Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations - TACSO  aims to strengthen the civil society within a participative democracy, to stimulate a civil society-friendly environment and culture, to strengthen the overall capacities and accountability of Civil Society Organisations (CSO) within IPA beneficiaries, the Western Balkans and Turkey, to guarantee the quality of service of CSOs and a sustainable role of the CSOs in the democratic processes. An important project ...
... Overall, women employed in Serbia have higher qualifications than men, yet they still earn less, according to new research conducted by a team of two think-tanks: The Belgrade-based Foundation for the Advancement of Economics (FREN) and the Skoplje-based University American College Skopje (UACS). Women in Serbia (as well as in Macedonia and Montenegro) face great ...
... judiciary. Progress on electoral reform is long overdue and it is important to simplify procedures, increase transparency and ensure proper supervision of the electoral process, especially with local and general elections coming up. An ever important further point is the visible and viable improvement in the relationships with Serbia, which Štefan Füle also pointed out on his meeting with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić in Beograd. Štefan Füle emphasized the role of the Assembly of Kosovo* in this process and the outlook to its outcomes: “When Kosovo delivers, we will deliver. When I am satisfied that ...
... The local organizer is: Alan Keckes, NCP Energy - The event is organised by the Connecting Energy NCPs Plus A Pro-Active Network of National Contact Points project (C-Energy+) and is open to New NCPs & Researchers especially from the Balkan Region: Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey ...
... policies promoting foreign and domestic investments in South East Europe. The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) officially took over the responsibility over SEEIC activities in November 2011. Currently Co-Chaired by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the RCC Secretariat, the SEEIC comprises Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. The development of the South East Europe (SEE) 2020 regional growth strategy and its implementation was ...
... technology transfer office. Adding to the centre's primacy, the project team also helped establish and solidify dynamic partnerships with other stakeholders in Europe to further vegetable science considerably. This endeavour has helped upgrade the level and quality of research at Maritsa VCRI, enhancing regional collaboration with Albania, FYROM, Greece and Serbia. Many partnerships were formed from the project, such as one notable joint partnership with a Dutch partner devoted to soil and plant analysis. On another front and as an example of recent successes, the institute developed a new variety of tomatoes that produce tomato juice that is very rich in ...
30% 2013 Human Development Report Document 15. Mar. 2013
Highlights Today, the South as a whole produces about half of world economic output, up from about a third in 1990. Latin America, in contrast to overall global trends, has seen income inequality fall since 2000. There is a clear positive correlation between past public investment in social and physical infrastructure and progress on the Human Development Index. Developing countries trade more among themselves than with the North, and this trend can go much further. The 2013 Human Development ...
The research was conducted by: Media Plan Institute in Cooperation, Sarajevo Novi Sad School of Journalism, Novi Sad School of Journalism and PR, Skopje Ms. Nataša Ružić, Podgorica Research shows amongst other results that the situation in the four countries analyzed differs significantly in how legislative standards are put into practice, how media raises public awareness of minorities, how structural approaches are applied to integrate minorities’ voices into public/media discourse, and how ...
30% Brochure of the SEE River Project News 11. Mar. 2013
The project aim will be achieved by close cooperation of experts from wide range of fields from different countries and active involvement of stakeholders from local river areas and national or regional authorities. The project is introducing a new approach to river and land management by focusing on the river corridor as the selected, local river area where most pressures occur. Project activities and findings will result in the SEE River Toolkit, a generally applicable and innovative ...
... include concrete measures for delivery of policies on the ground. In practical terms, this process will constitute a sort of 'Europe 2020 light' work cycle with individual countries for the years to come. It will be rolled out gradually, starting in 2013 with Turkey and Montenegro, to be followed by Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – depending of course also on the interest of the countries. On the basis of first experience gained in the coming months, the Commission will see how the process could be extended to potential candidate countries. In our 2012 Enlargement Strategy paper we also ...
... will be provided only to the participants that were present in 100% of the training sessions and the exercises. The training will gather participants from The Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary and will be carried out by experienced RTDI evaluation trainers from six countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia). It will introduce the participants to the theory and practice of the research and science-related evaluation of organisations, policies, programmes and institutions ...
... May 1, 2013. All applicants will be notified of their status by June 1, 2013. Eligibility: All applicants must be: Permanent resident in any of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, or Uzbekistan; A regular member of ASEEES at time of application (affiliate, joint, and student members are not eligible to apply); Presenting a paper on a regular panel (chairs, discussants, and roundtable participants are not eligible to apply); For more information and application, see http ...
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the countries of South Eastern Europe, namely Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter ‘Macedonia’), Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia with focus on the analysis of the national A/D switchover strategies. Such analysis is essential for further development of digitalization in the region.
30% SEE leaflets Document 1. Mar. 2013
project leaflets
The report contains several proposals and recommendations for the media digitalization strategy of the SEE area and provides a methodology for transition to the digital system in the different countries. The methodology takes into account the complex correlation between technical,  regulatory and socio-economic elements in the broadcasting sector and the different stages of the migration process of each individual country. Furthermore, the report provides implementation strategies and the ...
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the national A/D switchover strategies of those countries that are involved in the SEE Digi.TV project (dark blue countries on the below map), namely: Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia.
ERA fabric map (see attachements)  gives a snapshot of the ERA today. It looks at the division of responsibilities between EU and Member States, and at institutions and bodies involved in the European research system. Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, the report then looks where we are today, and which direction the future is taking, given the policy context of Europe 2020. Involvement of stakeholders in further building the ERA is looked at by ...
The report, which was presented by the Secretary General of the RCC to the board of the RCC, covers the period from 8 October 2012 to 15 February 2013, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.
... that is typical of qualitative case studies and ethnographic research; the logic of "coding" and categorising recurrent in textual analysis (for example media content analysis); and finally the hermeneutic logic of identifying "constructions of meaning", typical of discourse-analytical and narrative approaches. In total, 17 researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania and Montenegro have participated in this training, out of which 43% were female and 53% were PhD candidates or PhD holders. Participants used this training as an opportunity for networking and exchanging of ideas and experiences. Source: RRPP The colloquium, which was held from February 15-16, 2013 in Sarajevo ...
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