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33% Bosnian Scientific Diaspora Document 12. Jan. 2011
The reports introduce BiH scientific diaspora in two volumes on Bosnian PhD holders and researchers i.e. „Ko je ko u bh. dijaspori: doktori nauka i naučno-istraživački radnici“ – part 1 of Sept 2009, and Part II of Sept 2010       Aiša Telalović <>
... and programmes.   Source: Grupa484; Geographic area: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, FYR of Macedonia Period of realisation: January - October 2010 Donors: The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) and European Fund for the Balkans   Within the project "Developing 'brain gain' policies in the Western Balkans", a series of reports has been published. Project objective is to support ...
The former Department of science, research and technological development of the Ministry of education and science (partner in WBC-INCO.NET project) is flowing into the Ministry of Science. All the legal changes related to the establishment of a new institution will be done during January 2011. The Parliament of Montenegro elected a new Government on December 29, 2010, after the resignation of the former Prime Minister, Mr Milo Djukanovic. The new Prime Minister is Dr Igor Luksic. Among the changes of the Government structure is the creation of a new Ministry of Science, with a lady at its head, dr ...
Expert position, Conservation and sustainable use of Agro Biodiversity, Montenegro Duration: 30 months, possibility of extension depending on available funding Biotechnical Faculty of University of Montenegro seeks for an expert in Conservation and sustainable use of Agro Biodiversity field for a European funded FP7 project AgriSciMont. The project is aimed at improving capacities and human resources in order to increase ...
This publication deals with the impact of the global economic crisis on South East Europe. Following a general overview, it also contains country chapters on all Western Balkan countries plus Bulgaria and Romania. Will Bartlett/Vassilis Monastiriotis: South East Europe After the Crisis: A new dawn or back to business as usual? 2010. LSE Research on South Eastern Europe, European Institute
Presentation on "Improving the Impact of Territorial Cooperation on Local Policies", held by George Petrakos at the 2010 SEE Annual Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece. George Petrakos: Improving the Impact of Territorial Cooperation on Local Policies (presentation held at the SEE Annual conference from 21 to 22 September 2010 in Thessaloniki, Greece).
... country. This is credit to the Executive, the Parliament, the government and the opposition, the civil society and, above all, to the people of Montenegro, who see their future inside the European Union,” said Rocen. He went on to say that the move is not only an encouragement to Montenegro but to the region as a whole. The Foreign Minister underlined that Montenegro has cause to celebrate, but it doesn’t have much time to do so. “The candidate status is only a qualifier for the European race. The launch of EU accession talks will mark the start of the race. We need to work round the clock and mobilize the ...
... Secretariat: 11 submitted on the first priority concerning the economic, social and institutional cooperation, 10 on the second priority concerning the natural and cultural resources, 11 on the third priority concerning the accessibility and networks. The “IPA Adriatic CBC Programme” involves eight Countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Greece and for Italy, behind Abruzzo Region, that is the Managing Authority of the Programme, also Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Puglia and Molise Regions ...
... national science policies towards global issues”) was updated in September and October 2010 (the first report was drafted on December 2008). The report is based on information received from our correspondents from Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo [under UNSCR 1244], Montenegro, Serbia) through online questionnaire and complemented by desk research which was carried out by staff of Centre for Social Innovation Vienna. Gathering the information turned out to be a big challenge, which could be accomplished only partially, because Climate Change research specific “programmes ...
... the region and beyond (especially current PhD projects and/or research results) that relate to the topic "Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans"; * Papers to be presented can deal with the region in general, or with the change-processes in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia in particular; * For more information about the RRPP's current research projects, please consult the RRPP Website. The selected candidates will be able to present and discuss their work in one of the methodological or thematic workshops, where researchers involved in the RRPP research projects will also present their ...
Source: E-Mail by Mr. Ugo Poli On November 23, 2010 OECD - SEE Investment Compact Committee - 7th Meeting - November 23, 2010 took place in Paris, France. Please find the conclusions and some interesting papers presented in the meeting in the attachments.
Although the strategy will not come with extra EU finance, a considerable amount of funding is already available to the region through a host of EU programmes. For instance, € 100 billion alone has been allocated from the cohesion policy (European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Social Fund) between 2007 and 2013. Moreover, 41 Territorial Cooperation programmes cover a geographical area including the Danube Region. The aim is to use this available support to greater ...
... and Uzbekistan The minimum grant for both Joint Projects and Structural Measures will be EUR 500 000. The maximum grant will amount to EUR 1 500 000. For national projects in Kosovo and Montenegro t authorities in the partner countries. — For national projects, proposals must be submitted by groupings of institutions involving: — at least three higher education institutions from a partner country (in the case of Montenegro and Kosovo, due to the small size of the higher education sector, one university will ...
... higher education institutions and to other organisations active in the field of higher education, provided they are established in the EU Member States or in the Partner Countries. There are four groups of eligible countries: 27 EU Member States; countries from the Western Balkans region:  Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244; 17 countries South and East of the EU and the Russian Federation; 5 Central Asian countries. Who can participate? Information about Tempus: Tempus aims to promote voluntary convergence of Partner ...
... Saturday 13 November when the public is invited to visit the premises and learn about EU activities in the region. Further information: The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) was officially opened on November 11, 2010  in Danilovgrad, Montenegro, by European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Füle and Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister of Montenegro ...
33% FP7 Interim Evaluation Document 28. Nov. 2010
This interim evaluation of FP7 has been carried out by an independent Expert Group, chaired by Rolf Annerberg, Sweden. Key strengths of the current Framework Programme, areas in need of improvement, new concerns and dilemmas and directions for reform have been summarised. The panel also presents ten key recommendations, including the following issues: 1. to advance ERA and Innovation Union objectives, 2. to develop high quality research infrastructures, 3. to maintain the level of ...
31% Regional School of Public Administration Organisation 28. Nov. 2010
... the region and the EU Member States.       While primarily targeting officials from those countries which have signed and ratified the Agreement Establishing the Regional School of Public Administration and are thus members of ReSPA (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) as well as other entities in the Western Balkans region, ReSPA’s activities may also be open to officials from other countries and institutions. Source: ReSPA website, as accessed November 28, 2010
The Steering Platform heard the introductory statements from Montenegro, the Belgian Presidency and the European Commission, highlighting the recent policy actions taken at EU and regional level and notably on the proposed Innovation Union and the impact this will have on future activities in research cooperation already now in the upcoming FP7 calls and certainly in FP8. Platform members ...
77% Progress Report Montenegro 2010 Document 15. Nov. 2010
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Commission Opinion on Montenegro's application for membership of the European Union. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Commission Opinion on Montenegro's application for membership of the European Union, 2010. EC.
33% UNESCO Science Report 2010 - SEE Chapter Document 15. Nov. 2010
Written by a team of independent experts who are each covering the country or region from which they hail, the UNESCO Science Report 2010 analyses the trends and developments that have shaped scientific research, innovation and higher education over the past five years, including the impact of the current global economic recession. Taking up from where its predecessor left off in 2005, the UNESCO Science Report 2010 proposes a world tour of the status of science today that should enable ...
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