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... Participation Grant Researchers working at non-profit organisations (universities,..) in one of the following European countries may apply for a participation grant which will allow them to register at a discount during the early-bird and normal registration phase: (a) 65% discount on registrations: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine (b) 35% discount on registrations: Belarus, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Turkey Source: GS9   The Gender Summit is a platform for evidence-based and consensus-led dialogue between scientists, policy makers, gender scholars, and key stakeholder groups in science endeavours. The 2016 Gender SummitEurope coincides ...
... SME internationalisation, building entrepreneurship skills, tourism, reducing the administrative burden for companies and protection of intellectual property rights for companies operating in non-EU countries. It will help SMEs identify funding sources. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the tenth country outside the EU to join and contribute to the programme, after Iceland, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Turkey, Albania, Serbia, Armenia and Ukraine. COSME is the EU programme aimed at strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of SMEs running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of €2.3bn. Source: DG Growth     SMEs and entrepreneurs from Bosnia and Herzegovina ...
... 2 participants. Registration Fee: None Accommodation: Accommodation and meals are free. Accompanying persons cannot be accommodated. Submit your application before 10th July, 2016. Source: The primary aim of this summer school is to teach immunology to young investigators in immunology from South-East Europe, i.e. Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. Some countries of this region still need help to establish a state-of-the-art immunology. Hotel Bleart, Durres
32% LTG/IPA 369433 | Smart Start Call 6. Jun. 2016
... 2014-2015 (Support to regional thematic networks of Civil Society Organisations). This project is being implemented in IPA beneficiaries’ countries in the Western Balkans and Turkey, by project consortium: Centre for Civil Society Promotion - CCSP (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Centre for Research and Policy Making (Macedonia), Institute for entrepreneurship and economic development (Montenegro), Centre for Development of Non-Profit Sector (Serbia) and YADA Foundation (Turkey), with support by partner organization CEDRA HR from Croatia. Overall objective of Smart Start: To help create an enabling environment for social entrepreneurship of civil society organizations (CSOs) and to improve their sustainability, financial viability and social impact in ...
... national level; experts included in implementation of european instruments 2014-2020. Training is aimed for applicants: beginners (with 3 years of  experience) and at intermediate level (5 years of experience). Participants will receive certificates with programme description at the end of the training. Target countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia, Languages: Regional languages (Bosnian / Croatian / Montenegrin / Serbian) Fees: includes accomodation for 3 nights, breakfast, lunch, coffee and snacs, joint dinner, training materials until June 25, 2016: 470€/person (net registration costs: 295€/person). until July 5, 2016: 530€/person after July 5, 2016: 600€/person Training is organised ...
... A comparative analysis of the implementation of EU gender equality law in the EU Member States, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. Written by Alexandra Timmer and Linda Senden (Utrecht University) for the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination. This report provides a general overview of the ways in which EU gender equality law has been implemented in the domestic laws of the 28 ...
33% She Figures 2015 Document 1. Jun. 2016
The She Figures 2015 is the 'go-to' document for anyone interested in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the current state of gender equality in research and innovation in the European Union. In addition to comparable statistics on women and men amongst PhD graduates, researchers and decision-makers, it sheds light on differences in working conditions. It also presents for the first time the situation of men and women in scientific publications and patent applications, as well as ...
... participating heads of States agreed to support the development of high quality vocational education and training systems in the region based on the ‘Roadmap to a sustainable apprentice system’. It is in this regard that we - representatives of public and private sector entities from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, in addition Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, as well as representatives of the European Commission, International Financial Institutions and other multilateral and bilateral institutions - encourage greater cooperation between the public and the private sectors, with the objective of better understanding our respective contributions towards a labor market and ...
33% She Figures 2015 - Handbook Document 1. Jun. 2016
The She Figures Handbook provides methodological guidance on the calculation of indicators included in the She Figures 2015 publication. Organised by data source, information provided on each indicator includes a brief definition, rationale, computation method and any comments or critical issues for the reader to note. This handbook is intended to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to systematically produce meaningful data on gender in research and innovation ...
... different methodologies and why the right methodology matters. Source and more information: EFB The Joint Strategic Foresight, as a first event of the new program Regional Policy Academy (RPA) which is co-organised by the European Fund for the Balkans and the Belgrade Centre for Political Excellence, was held in Becici, Montenegro on May 14-15, 2016 ...
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