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... etc. The Centre sponsors a number of initiatives, including an Associates Programme, to provide research and training opportunities in physical sciences. Researchers from WBC are also active participants in these initiatives. In 2007 there were visits of researchers from the following WBC countries: Albania (5), Croatia (39), FYR Macedonia (4), Montenegro (1), Serbia (19). ICTP is targeting also new groups of researchers in particular partners that can develop local research infrastructures and that can support regional research and education activities. ICTP is planning to create similar regional centres in Western Balkan countries. They also have plans for the development of joint ...
Country Focus New Member States NMS (Bulgaria and Romania); FP7 Associated Countries FP7 AC (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland); EU Candidate Countries CC (Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey); Potential Candidate Countries PCC (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) as well as the European Neighbourhood Policy Partner Countries ENPPC on an ad hoc basis. The JRC Enlargement and Integration Action is promoting training, mobility and joint projects addressing specific needs of these countries and regions and includes temporary postings to JRC Institutes. Focus is on complex scientific ...
33% Mapping of European Networks on Energy Document 16. Feb. 2010
This document, prepared by the EU Framework Programmes National Coordination Office, the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey, is a directory of networks in the field of energy, such as Technology Platforms, PPPs, associations and NCPs. The Scientific and Research Council of Turkey, the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey, Ankara 2009. TÜBITAK.
... an Action Plan and a governance system to be formally adopted by Member States in early 2011. At present, the countries mainly concerned will be those covered by the Danube Cooperation Process: Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Austria, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine (the regions along the Danube). Sources: EU calendar, Inforegio. On February 1 and 2, 2010, a first stakeholder event is taking place in Ulm (Germany), marking the launch of the consultation process to draw up the first EU Strategy for the ...
The Programme for the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union gives an overview on the focusses and planned activities of the Spanish EU presidency (January 1 to June 30, 2010).  It also tackles issues concerning the Western Balkan Countries, e.g. stating that "the Spanish Presidency will firmly support the continuity of the EU enlargement process, according to the renewed consensus defined by the European Council in December 2006. Croatia’s accession ...
... considered as well". Furthermore, the Spanish presidency plans to "continue working for the stabilisation and consolidation of the EU perspective on the Western Balkans, using all the instruments available to that end, particularly, the Stabilisation and Association Process. Within this framework, the continued process of integration of Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina will be supported. On occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Zagreb Summit, a ministerial meeting will be proposed to analyse the progress made in the Stabilisation and Association Process and to forward the European region perspective." The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European ...
... nbsp;    Coffee break 11:00-12:30          Concluding panel discussions on the socio-economic and institutional development of the Danube region National Contact Points of Germany, Austria, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine; 12:30-13:00          Closing Plenary Session and Conclusions (EN/HU Interpretation) Mr Péter Balázs, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Hungary Mr Tamás Németh, General Secretary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences   Date ...
"This year’s Global Competitiveness Report is published against the backdrop of the deepest global economic slowdown in generations.What began as a financial crisis in a handful of industrialized economies continues to spill over into the real economy, engendering massive contractions in consumer demand, rising unemployment, and mounting protectionist pressures worldwide. (..) In a difficult global economic environment, it is more important than ever for countries to put into place ...
... 3401.html In cooperation with ZSI in Vienna, the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana is announcing a call for proposals for projects in research cooperation and networking between institutions in Austria, Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Montenegro, Serbia). The call is open until February 23, 2010 (date of postmark ...
According to DG Research, 68 proposals were submitted, thereof two ineligible. 36 proposals were above all thresholds; six projects were selected for the short list and three on a reserve list. All of these nine successful proposals originate from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and the FYRo Macedonia. Coverage of scientific topics by the successful proposals is wide, ranging from translational medicine and space science to nano-electronics, food research, agricultural science and particle physics. We will keep you updated with further information on the call results.   The "FP7 Call for Developing the ...
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