... signed by: Minister of Education, Sports and Youth of Albania Ervin Demo, Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Adil Osmanović, Advisor to the Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria Kostadin Kostadinov, Minister of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo Shyqiri Bytyqi, Minister of Education and Science of Macedonia Renata Deskoska, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia Vladimir Popović, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia Tomaž Boh, and the Minister of Science of Montenegro Sanja Damjanović, who signed the Declaration on behalf of the Government of ...
... participants will be limited to: 20 with reimbursement (A) + 20 from the Serbia and/or neighboring countries which can reach this training school without reimbursement (B). For this second group, priority will be given to candidates from Serbia and from countries bordering Serbia: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania. These candidates may also apply to target group A as all other candidates and are eligible to receive reimbursement if selected within this group. With this partitioning in two groups we intend to enlarge the number of participants, but still allowing for active engagement by all participants ...
... en/research/conferences Faculty of Public Administration and Political Sciences jointly with the Institute Max van der Stoel within the South East European University organizes an international conference from 4-5 May 2018. The conference will take place at the main University campus in Tetovo, FYR pf Macedonia. https://www.seeu.edu.mk/en/research/conferences Tetovo
... out of 521,357 registered persons unemployed; in Serbia it was 37%, with 265,111 outflows into employment out of 713,154 registered persons unemployed; in Montenegro 34%, with 14,645 outflows into employment out of 42,825 registered persons unemployed. The highest was in The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - 48%, with 51,683 outflows into employment out of 108,289 registered persons unemployed; while in Kosovo* 6,754 persons transited from unemployment to employment in 2016. The report ‘Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: Performance, Causes and Policy Options’ together with numerous other documents and publications, is published ...
Applicants’ country of origin were Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia. Destination countries were Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Italy and Macedonia. The total outgoing period for seven applicants will be 127 days. All STSMs must be finalized by the end of April 2018. Grantees for this year are: Ajla Mehmedović (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Todor Stoyanov (Bulgaria), Karlo Beljan (Croatia), Božidar Milovanović (Serbia), Milica Marčeta (Serbia) and Klara Balikova (Slovakia). Keep updated ...
Ec press release With the recent launch of the newest Twinning project in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the total number of Twinning projects implemented in the past 20 years surpasses 2700 in this anniversary year. The new project aims to establish peer-to-peer, on the ground cooperation with the partner country's Customs Administration in Skopje in order to simplify customs procedures and to create a business-friendly environment. Johannes ...
... complementary to the already existing efforts of Switzerland and other donor programmes in this sector. Regional cooperation in particular was emphasised, with the objective of improving regional integration, creating synergies and fostering knowledge management. The RRPP was implemented over a period of ten years in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The programme promoted and enabled research-based cooperation among the new generation of social scientists and policymakers across the ethnically divided, post-conflict region. It focused on fostering and promoting social science research capacities relevant to social, economic and institutional reforms in the respective countries. Its main objective was ...
... and on how to properly address questions and concerns of potential investors. Check out here more information and updates on this project This initiative supports and strengthens the technology transfer and innovation ecosystem in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). The project involves all actors operating in the technology transfer and innovation ecosystem ranging from academic institutions to early stage investors to science parks, spin-out companies and policy makers. The final purpose is to deliver concrete plans for and practical initiatives in support of the technology transfer ...
... of the VI-SEEM Virtual Research Environment. Project Proposals must be of high scientific and social value. Eligible applicants (as Principal Investigators) are scientists affiliated with academic or research institutions in the following countries: (in alphabetical order): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania Serbia and Turkey. Collaborators in proposals might reside in any country provided that no specific geographical restrictions apply for access by the corresponding centers that offer resources in the various resource-providing countries. Industrial partners may participate only as collaborators in proposal ...
... call is addressed to consortia of scientists and researchers and SMEs that work in academic/research institutions and SMEs located in the region of South Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. More specifically countries are (in alphabetical order): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia ...