Training School: How to manage key financial tasks for H2020 European research and innovation projects: Finance for Beginners
Beneficiaries of EU projects have to commit themselves to the requirements of budgetary management, accounting, and financial reporting regulations. It is crucial that projects both meet the overall strategic objectives of the funding scheme and also meet the detailed financial rules. Complex eligibility criteria and rules have to be followed and strict deadlines have to be met.
During the 3 days BESTPRAC Training School “How to manage key financial tasks for H2020 European research and innovation projects: Finance for Beginners” participants will be shown how to analyze and understand financial management procedures and requirements for well-planned and well-executed H2020 projects, and how to solve financial management tasks. The training will be held in Belgrade between 4th and 6th June 2018.
Training School concept at a glance
Universities, research organisations, and small and large business enterprises all over Europe have an opportunity to participate in European research and innovation projects, and receive EU funding through the EU framework programmes for research and innovation Horizon 2020. To make use of this opportunity, they have to manage financial tasks for the projects in accordance with EU rules.
This training school is designed for administrative staff who have been assigned to financial related tasks, and who:
● are not familiar with the financial rules of H2020 (either participating as partner or as coordinator), and/or
● have little or no practical experience or training in how to perform and solve these tasks.
What can you get out of this?
First and foremost, this training school is primarily about practical solutions:
● We will focus on practical examples and exercises.
● Ample time will be set aside for Q&A sessions and discussions.
● We will explain some key financial rules, but the goal is not to present a detailed review of all financial rules of these framework programmes.
● Our goal is to provide you with practical skills for your toolbox, and a step-by-step overview of suggested best practices for the most important financial tasks.
Per Inge Andresen, Senior adviser, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mag. Dr. Wolfram Rieneck, Deputy Head of Service Center Research, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
Geraldine Leonard, European Project manager, Université d'Orléans, France
Francesca Tomasi, Head Administrative Officer, University of Trento, Italy
Call for Applications
The number of participants will be limited to: 20 with reimbursement (A) + 20 from the Serbia and/or neighboring countries which can reach this training school without reimbursement (B). For this second group, priority will be given to candidates from Serbia and from countries bordering Serbia: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania. These candidates may also apply to target group A as all other candidates and are eligible to receive reimbursement if selected within this group.
With this partitioning in two groups we intend to enlarge the number of participants, but still allowing for active engagement by all participants and one-on-one dialogue during the sessions. Furthermore, the participation of specific applicants from the Serbia region will also allow to favour the regional development of research managers and administrators from this inclusiveness country.
Preference will be given to participants that will apply the knowledge acquired during the training school in their daily functions. All participants are requested to bring their own laptops.
Target groups
A - Research administrators involved in the administration and management of European projects; Early stage administrators and applicants from institutions in so-called COST inclusiveness countries are especially encouraged to apply.
B - Research administrators from the Serbia and/or neighboring countries involved in the administration and management of European projects; Early stage administrators are especially encouraged to apply. For this second group, priority will be given to candidates from Serbia and from countries bordering Serbia: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania.
Number of TS participants: Up to 40 trainees (A - 20 trainees + B - 20 trainees)
Financial support
A lump sum of 700 Euros towards travel and accommodation expenses (target group A). No additional financial support is available from COST.
The completed application form must be submitted online via by Monday, March 26, 2018. No deadline extensions will be granted and late comers can, unfortunately, not be accepted. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 16, 2018.
Please do not buy tickets or make hotel reservations before you have received the official invitation through the e-COST system to attend the Training School. Only after having received this official invitation are you entitled to receive reimbursement.
Center for the Promotion of Science, Kralja Petra 46
Contact details
Local organizer: Marina Matovic
Training School Managers (for questions on the COST Training School programme): Madalena Martins and
Cristina Oliveira
Grant Holder (for questions on registration and reimbursement): Andri Charalambous
- Western Balkans
- General
Entry created by Admin on March 7, 2018
Modified on May 31, 2018