Governance in Public Sector: Challenges and Perspectives

Event date
May 4-5, 2018
Republic of North Macedonia
Short description

Faculty of Public Administration and Political Sciences jointly with the Institute Max van der Stoel within the South East European University organizes an international conference from 4-5 May 2018. The conference will take place at the main University campus in Tetovo, FYR pf Macedonia.  


The conference will provides opportunity for a reflection on challenges and perspectives in achieving good governance principles in public sector leading to successful public administration reform. Within the foreseen panels during the conference three major themes will be elaborated further. Namely, one of major challenges of understanding the importance of governance rests within realm of capacity of political leadership and structural/organizational setting of local governance. What is the role of political leadership in envisioning future developments challenging current state of affairs? Secondly, how much the existing organizational structure is supported by means of professional education in public management? Finally, what directions should the public administration reform activities take in order to fulfill good governance indicators?

The conference aims to bring together scholars with research interests in governance issues in general, doctoral candidates dealing with complex issues of governance and public administration reform activities, and professionals from the sector. The conference will be composed of three main panel sessions exploring above mentioned thematic sessions:

  • Session 1: Political Leadership and Local Governance
  • Session 2: Public Administration Reforms
  • Session 3: Public Management and Policy Education

Paper Proposal Procedure:

Candidates can submit paper proposal (abstract) in English for one of these sessions above until March 26, 2018. Acceptance notifications will be sent out April 5, 2018.

All accepted and presented papers, after final revisions will be published in book of proceedings of the conference. In addition to that all selected papers based on recommendations by the panel chairs will be considered for publication at the SEEU Review. SEEU Review is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online scientific journal published by South East European University in the international academic publisher De Gruyter. It is the official research journal of South East European University.

More info at


Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference WBs

Entry created by Admin on March 5, 2018
Modified on March 5, 2018