... and 2018c), which focussed on the participations and collaborations of EU Member States. This Flash provides insights on the participation of non-EU countries, i.e. third countries, to Horizon 2020, based on their status in Horizon 2020: Associated countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine. Non-associated third countries: countries that are not EU Member States and not associated to the Framework Programme. The cut-off date for the analysis data recorded in the Common Research Data Warehouse (CORDA), is 1/1/2019. Projects under Public-to-Public Partnerships, EIT’s ...
Find below all issues of 2018 newsletters.
WBC-RTI.INFohas prepared several newsletter issues in 2018. Thematic articles were drafted while relevant stakeholders contacted and in some cases also interviewed.
... with financial help with the aim of making their agricultural sector and rural areas more sustainable aligning them with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and EU standards. IPARD also helps set up good governance for rural development. The current candidate countries and beneficiaries are Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. For the period 2014-2020, the total indicative allocation for the IPARD programmes has been 1.1 billion EUR as follows: Albania- 39 million EUR, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 15 million EUR, Montenegro: 39 million EUR, Turkey: 801 million EUR. The actual amounts are decided annually ...
... products"; Measure 7 "Farm diversification and business development" are currently operational in Albania. The national IPARD programme in force and the related information is here: http://www.bujqesia.gov.al/ For details of application process, please contact the IPARD Agency at http://azhbr.gov.al/ The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Measure 1: "Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings", Measure 3 "Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products"; Measure 7 "Farm diversification and business development" and Measure 9 "Technical assistance" are currently operational in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The national IPARD programme ...
... table and make them talk about and try to solve open issues in the region. The process has enabled discussion about regional security, youth issues, connectivity, economic integration and other important topics. In the area of bilateral cooperation, a highlight of this year have been the Agreements FYR of Macedonia has signed with Bulgaria and Greece, thus removing key obstacles to its path towards EU. The second important outcome of the London Summit has been the fact that, for the first time, civil society organisations have sat around the same table with leaders and ministers of the Western Balkan countries ...
Ctizens of Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia can travel to the EU without a visa since December 2009. For citizens of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, this is possible since the end of 2010. All countries have taken measures to address irregular migration, however further efforts are needed to improve and ensure sustainable results. The report by ...
... Scheme for Young Professionals in the Western Balkans – Round II (YPS 2018), the action implementing two training programmes in EU academic institutions and a regional exchange component for early career civil servants from the six countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Kosovo*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Applications were open until 13th September 2018 ...
The Social Innovation Community presents some country profiles related to the Social Innovation. Find below those from WBC.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
FR of Macedonia
... programme, in preparation of the ESOF2020 (Euro Science Open Forum) conference in Trieste, Italy, to support quality science journalism in the region. NATIONALITIES INVITED TO APPLY FOR A GRANT COVERING ALSO TRAVEL AND ACCOMODATION: Albania Armenia Bosnia and Herzegovina Georgia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Kosovo * Moldova Montenegro Serbia Turkey Ukraine * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. Journalists from other countries can attend the workshop at no cost, upon registration (depending on the available ...
... and encourage collaboration across different disciplines and technology domains. Particularly interesting is the EOSC-hub that aims at developing a single access channel delivering a common catalogue of research data, services and software for research and act as the integration and management system of the European Open Science Cloud. FYR of Macedonia is the only beneficiary from the Western Balkans region. Nevertheless this participation is strategic to integrate the region into a network of pan-European e-Infrastructures. OpenAIRE (now Advance) is another project developing a network called the National Open Access Desks (NOAD) to support the Open Access and Open Data policies ...
... energy (renewable energy, energy efficiency), electric vehicles, environmental protection, waste and water management developments from a selection of accurate, reliable and straight to the point news, policy actions and investment opportunities from the Balkan region countries: Serbia, Kosovo*, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. The Balkan Green Energy News project has been developed and implemented for companies, financial institutions, decision makers, international organizations, investment funds, consulting companies, sustainable energy developers, civil soci and other stakeholders from all over the world who are already present in Balkan markets ...
... PRESS RELEASE NO: 2019/ECA/31 " Growth for the Western Balkan region is estimated to strengthen to 3.5 percent for 2018, according to the latest Western Balkans Regular Economic Report, Higher but Fragile Growth. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia are estimated to grow at rates between 2.5 percent and 4 percent. While employment also rose in five of the six countries in the region, the 91,400 new jobs created between July 2017 and July 2018 were significantly fewer than the 214,000 added one ...
... Food in 2010 to give a voice to small-scale food producers and rural communities, and to support them in upgrading their production from homemade to artisan, advocating for their social and political recognition, and supporting their access to markets. 100 participants (from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia) at the fifth edition of Terra Madre Balkans (21-23 May 2018) share the opinion that the integration of the Western Balkan countries into the EU is a major political goal that will ensure stability and development in the region. The conference built on the human dimension by ...
... qualities of a sustainable market economy, looking to see whether they are competitive, well-governed, green, inclusive, resilient and integrated. Read the whole article here The countries are among those that improved their 2018 scores in the area of green transition compared to 2017, while the scores of Albania, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo* and Montenegro, remained unchanged, according to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) Transition Report 2018-19 and article by Balkan Green Energy News   ...
... year. At 3.8%, Montenegro’s growth is projected to be 1 percentage point higher, although still lower than last year. Growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to be stable at an estimated 3.2%. Serbia’s economy has rebounded to 3.5% growth after last year’s weather-related slowdown. Macedonia’s growth also rebounded to 2.5%, as investor confidence was restored. Growth was stimulated by higher public investment and consumption. Driven by tax reforms and faster growth, higher tax revenues created fiscal space, which some countries rushed to use for current spending and capital investment. Greater public investment is ...
... The conflicts over the break-up of the former Yugoslavia damaged much of the energy infrastructure and compounded the challenge of providing reliable energy supply. The Western Balkans – composed of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo – is a complex region facing significant energy challenges. The conflicts over the break-up of the former Yugoslavia damaged much of the energy infrastructure and compounded the challenge of providing reliable energy supply. Electricity systems in many parts of the region remain fragile and in need of ...
... WB potential to benefit from the greater use of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures by providing a combination of financing instruments, technical assistance and policy support to create a sustainable market for energy efficiency in the Western Balkans. The countries targeted are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia. ___ In June 2012, the Steering Committee of the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) approved a €23.35 million grant to the EBRD to establish the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans. The WBIF is a joint initiative of the European Commission together ...
... structure, to enhancing energy efficiency and fostering renewable energies predominantly through the provision of dedicated financing to businesses and households via partnering with financial institutions and direct financing. The Green for Growth Fund is currently active in nineteen target markets including Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, FYR Macedonia, Georgia, Jordan, Kosovo*, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, Turkey, and Ukraine. GGF is a unique public-private partnership established in December, 2009 to promote energy efficiency in its target region and to reduce CO2 emissions. GGF's investments seek to achieve a 20% reduction in energy consumption and ...
This is a result of the S2Biom Fp7 funded project (D 8.3a) under responsibility of the Imperial College London (Calliope Panoutsou et.al.,). Albania Bosnia & Herzegovina FYR of Macedonia Kosovo Montenegro Serbia ___ S2Biom project has been supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme and have been running from September, 2013 until November, 2016. The research work in the S2Biom project covered the whole biomass delivery chain - from primary biomass to end-use of non-food products, and ...
... individual WB6 economies. Montenegro has embarked on a revision of the national Research Infrastructure Roadmap in light of strategic developments at the national level; Serbia is in the final stage of the process of preparation of their first RI Roadmap to be completed this year; The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has formed a national working groups to start the development of national RI Roadmap; while Albania, Kosovo* and Bosnia and Herzegovina have initiated discussions on how to start the RIs mapping process. The Workshop was organised to support the implementation of the Multi-annual Action Plan on a ...