News archive - Analysis of the Berlin Process: The path to the EU leads through the Balkans

A presentation of the policy paper “2018 Western Balkans Summit: 3 key takeaways from London”, authored by Zoran Nechev and Ivan Nikolovski from the Institute of Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje (IDSCS), Jelena Minić form European Movement of Serbia, Mariola Qesaraku from EU Policy Hub and Adnan Ćerimagić was held on 19.12 in Skopje. It was organised by IDSCS, coordinator of the SEE Think Net Network – the first regional network following the topics connected to the Berlin Process.

Firstly, Berlin Process has succeeded in getting Western Balkans leaders and ministers around the table and make them talk about and try to solve open issues in the region. The process has enabled discussion about regional security, youth issues, connectivity, economic integration and other important topics. In the area of bilateral cooperation, a highlight of this year have been the Agreements  FYR of Macedonia has signed with Bulgaria and Greece, thus removing key obstacles to its path towards EU.

The second important outcome of the London Summit has been the fact that, for the first time, civil society organisations have sat around the same table with leaders and ministers of the Western Balkan countries. On the other hand, despite UK’s departure from the EU, it still maintains its presence and doubles its support to reforms in the Western Balkan, and Poland, as the next country holding the EU Presidency, will focus itself on conflict resolution and connectivity boosting. economic cooperation, security and youth cooperation among FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Geographical focus
  • Germany
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on December 20, 2018
Modified on November 11, 2019