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33% The Berlin Process 2014-2018 Document 20. Mar. 2018
... Foundation. It has taken the following form: • Research on the Berlin process and its priority areas: Berlin process being a thinly documented process, CDI has contributed to create a body of knowledge, as well as to gather in one place major documents referring to it; • Monitoring reports on advancement of Albania in BP agenda on issues such as youth, migration and connectivity. Since 2014, CDI works together with national stakeholders in identifying and documenting the policy measures, progress and challenges faced by the Albanian government during their implementation; • Annual conference “Albania in the Berlin process”, followed by the conference proceedings. This ...
... together innovation practitioners and regional stakeholders from EU member states and South-east Europe countries, including the Western Balkans. Participants are likely to include: research and innovation policy-makers, scientists, businesses, regional authorities as well as representatives of academia and technology transfer offices. Up to 250 participants are expected. Selected participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, may request reimbursement of the travel and accommodation costs. Selection for reimbursement will be based on reason for submission, interest for participation, organisation, position in the organisation and appropriate geographical balance. *This designation is without prejudice to positions ...
... together innovation practitioners and regional stakeholders from EU member states and South-east Europe countries, including the Western Balkans. Participants are likely to include: research and innovation policy-makers, scientists, businesses, regional authorities as well as representatives of academia and technology transfer offices. Up to 250 participants are expected. Selected participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, may request reimbursement of the travel and accommodation costs. Selection for reimbursement will be based on reason for submission, interest for participation, organisation, position in the organisation and appropriate geographical balance. *This designation is without prejudice to positions ...
... regional, national, EU-wide?; using the right ways to communicate - one-way exchange (website, press release, brochure, etc.) or two-way exchange (exhibition, school visit, internet debate, etc.); where relevant, include measures for public/societal engagement on issues related to the action) is proportionate. Understanding Current Practices of Science Communication in Serbia and Albania: Recommendations for Enhancing Effectiveness Improving Science Communication is a hot topic also in the Western Balkans where, generally speaking, the science community tends to be self-referential and inward looking. Communication is influenced by the current evaluation system that counts the number of publications, if not the only measure for career ...
The Declaration was signed by: Minister of Education, Sports and Youth of Albania Ervin Demo, Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Adil Osmanović, Advisor to the Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria Kostadin Kostadinov, Minister of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo Shyqiri Bytyqi, Minister of Education and Science of Macedonia Renata Deskoska, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education ...
... nbsp; Call for Applications The number of participants will be limited to: 20 with reimbursement (A) + 20 from the Serbia and/or neighboring countries which can reach this training school without reimbursement (B). For this second group, priority will be given to candidates from Serbia and from countries bordering Serbia: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania. These candidates may also apply to target group A as all other candidates and are eligible to receive reimbursement if selected within this group. With this partitioning in two groups we intend to enlarge the number of participants, but still ...
... in each of the Western Balkans six economies which included self-assessment and external assessment in crucial areas and aspects of PES performance fully aligned with the EU PES benchlearning model. The results of those assessments showed that according to the region’s PES offices, transition from unemployment to employment in Albania in 2016 was 21%, with 25,158 outflows into employment out of 119,710 registered persons unemployed; in Bosnia and Herzegovina it was 25%, with 132,054 outflows into employment out of 521,357 registered persons unemployed; in Serbia it was 37%, with 265,111 outflows into employment out of ...
... each of the South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Strategy participating economies are organising new cycle of national consultations on Strategy’s Programing Document 2018-2020. The consultations are the part of the programing process of the SEE 2020 Strategy. 2018 series of consultations will kick-start with a one-day workshop in Tirana, Albania on 9 February 2018, to be followed by the workshops in Belgrade, Skopje, Pristina, Podgorica and Sarajevo. Tirana, Belgrade, Skopje, Pristina, Podgorica, Sarajevo
... research funding within the region, complementary to the already existing efforts of Switzerland and other donor programmes in this sector. Regional cooperation in particular was emphasised, with the objective of improving regional integration, creating synergies and fostering knowledge management. The RRPP was implemented over a period of ten years in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The programme promoted and enabled research-based cooperation among the new generation of social scientists and policymakers across the ethnically divided, post-conflict region. It focused on fostering and promoting social science research capacities relevant to social, economic and institutional reforms in the respective ...
... will be focused on how to present their business proposition and on how to properly address questions and concerns of potential investors. Check out here more information and updates on this project This initiative supports and strengthens the technology transfer and innovation ecosystem in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). The project involves all actors operating in the technology transfer and innovation ecosystem ranging from academic institutions to early stage investors to science parks, spin-out companies and policy makers. The final purpose is to deliver concrete plans ...
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