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shop, participants will be expected to: Have acquired a solid overview of the FP7 Transport Call published in July 2011 and of how to read through the objectives and respond to them in a precise manner. Have understood the groundwork and networking required for preparing a proposal for a FP7 Call. Have gained useful insight on how to successfully implement a project once granted and how to manage it according to the administrative and financial requirements of the European Commission. Professor ...
... November 2010 - May 2011)   [document] Conclusions of the 10th meeting of Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries (Ohrid, May 26, 2011)   [document] (Please register for a user account to access the documents.) The European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, the Polish Presidency and Bosnia and Herzegovina as co-chair from the region have announced the date for the next meeting of the Steering Platform: December 1, 2011. The meeting will take place in Sarajevo, BiH ...
... ultimately, the introduction of the euro will thus simplify the tasks for our businesses and contribute significantly to the overall macroeconomic stability of Croatia, encouraging more dynamic economic growth. AR: Becoming a member state raises a question of national borders. Considering Croatia has a really long national border, especially with Bosnia and Herzegovina, how hard will it be to control the borders? When could Croatia become part of the Schengen zone? AP: Upon accession, Croatia will have 1,377 km of external land border of the EU. Croatia will be ready to join the Schengen area 2 years after accession. Over the past ...
The Innovation Infrastructure reports are mapping national innovation systems and relevant stakeholders in the Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia) The main objective of these reports is to add to common understanding of the national innovation systems in the region and to map the innovation infrastructure and stakeholders. Thus, the reports aim to facilitate the identification of potential partner ...
... aside €40 million for the "Smart Cities initiative" to help find more efficient ways to use energy and provide urban transport. The researchers from Western Balkan countries are eligible to apply for funds and benefit form this huge package of funding for research and innovation. Since Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYROM and Serbia have the Associated Country status in the FP7, the researchers and organizations from these countries can benefit from this funding on equal footing with researchers and organizations from EU Member States.  The researchers from Western Balkan countries are encouraged to follow the WBC-INCO.NET ...
... information on the project is on the website: or from TransNEW - Regional Workshop Serbia Hosted by UBMaF - the University of Belgrade, the theme of this workshop was the capabilities and capacities in the West Balkan region including Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Bosnia Herzegovina. Barriers and possible drivers of the transport research development in the region were identified and participants were presented with an overview of the transport research situation of the countries in the region and recommendations for improvement addressed to policy makers, researchers and all other transport actors. TransNEW - Regional Workshop Turkey ...
... will total around €521 million for the period 2011-2013. More follows Indicative IPA financial allocations for the period 2011-2013 Planned allocation in millions of euros (figures are in current prices) Croatia 430.00 Iceland 28.00 former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 304.76 Turkey 2586.90 Albania 257.73 Bosnia and Herzegovina 314.22 Montenegro 91.28 Serbia 587.00 Kosovo 203.61 Multi-beneficiary programme 520.97 Cross-Border Cooperation 214.28 TOTAL 2011-2013 5538.75 Background Since 2007, candidate countries and potential candidates have received focused EU funding and support through a single channel – the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, or IPA ...
At the 6th  International ICQME Conference some of the vital issues of quality, management, engineering, education, and environmental protection will be discussed, and the participants will be from both the university and the commercial fields, which will contribute to a more productive exchange of ideas and experiences.   CONFERENCE THEMES: 1. Benchmarking 2. Business Excellence and Quality Awards 3. Cleaner product 4. e - Quality 5. International standard ISO 14000 – ...
... International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2012); to promote the networking of science communicators within South-East Europe (SEE) and share best practices; and to improve the quality of communication in science and technology in the SEE region as an overall objective of the initiative. Eligible countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Kosovo/UN Resolution 1244, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. Application Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae and a motivation letter related to the quality of science communication in the South-East European Region, (in PDF format) to ...
... From: 14 July 2011 00:00 To: 15 July 2011 00:00 The European Commission is organising a multi-country seminar on eHealth open to participants from all Enlargement and Neighbouring countries. This "by invitation only" seminar will gather 42 representatives of the following 22 countries (Enlargement countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999), Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey; Neighbouring countries - South: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia; Neighbouring countries - East: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine ...
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