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... by the workshops’ participants”, said Arifagic. “All received inputs will be incorporated into the next draft of the strategy as appropriate.”  The events were organized by the RCC Secretariat, in cooperation with respective ministries in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo* and Serbia. All relevant regional organisations participate in the SEE 2020 strategy development under RCC auspices. National institutions have a key role: ministries of economy, education, employment, healthcare, justice, culture, environment, relevant agencies. International organisations, such as the EU and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) also provide support. The ...
Having become a recognised and respected regional organisation, the Regional Coperation Council developed in 2010 its first three-year Strategy and Work Programme 2011- 2013 (SWP 2011-2013). This defined its objectives, priorities and work programme for the period. A range of specific targets in each of the priority area of the SWP 2011-2013 have been achieved. and an effective cooperation and coordination with the country holding ...
30% ERA progress report - 2013 Document 24. Sep. 2013
EU leaders have repeatedly stressed the importance of completing the European Research Area, setting a deadline of 2014 in European Council conclusions of February 2011 and March 2012. This report comes one year after adoption of the Communication "A Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth", which identified actions Member States should take to achieve ERA. It provides a factual baseline for an in-depth assessment of ERA that will be conducted in 2014. It is ...
Following this meeting, the Commissioner released the press statement we are hereinafter presenting. 'I am delighted to welcome to Brussels today Mr Branko Ružić, the new Serbian Minister in charge of European integration as well as Mrs Tanja Miščević, who was appointed Chief Negotiator for Serbia’s accession negotiations at the beginning of September. We had a very constructive first meeting on the priorities of the reshuffled government and the preparations of the different steps following the decision of the June European Council to open accession negotiations with Serbia. I am glad to see that the ...
... researcher) extremely diverge from an average western European rate for the same performance. Lots of questions were raised also about interaction and validity of national, organizational and FP7 rules.​​   In the second part the participants learned about the pitfalls from Austrian Academy of Science and University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Bedana Bapuly and Vladimir Crnojevic shared their experience on audits, they presented the most common mistakes, the possible consequences, their experience and their strategy to solve the appeared problems, relating to concrete audit as well as regarding future structural or organizational changes. Subsequently participants had the opportunity to receive “private ...
28% Leadership Development Programme Project 17. Sep. 2013
... Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association. The European Fund for the Balkans began financing the programme in 2008 and since 2009 is organising it jointly with the College of Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association. 30 graduate students from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey are selected each year to take part in the 8 month long ‘Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme’. A limited number of participants are selected from other European countries. The LDP is led by an Academic Dean who  guides the participants through the different elements ...
... on twitter @citseeteam. Or find the project team on Facebook.  The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia (CITSEE) is a study of the citizenship regimes of the seven successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia). It has been funded by an Advanced Investigator Award for basic research made to Jo Shaw by the European Research Council running for five years from 1 April 2009. CITSEE ...
... 4 days for Group 2: Programme owners). Please, also note that certificates will be provided  only to the participants that were present in 100% of the training sessions and the exercises.  The EVAL-INNO project organises the fourth RTDI evaluation training course on 07-11 October 2013 in Belgrade, Serbia. The training will gather participants from Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia and will be carried out by experienced RTDI evaluation trainers from six countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia). The training will introduce the participants to the theory and practice of the research and science-related evaluation of organisations, policies, programmes and ...
... roadmap through the involvement of multiple stakeholders.  FRAME will also assist each country in reviewing institutional arrangements to implement the vision and in agreeing on monitoring mechanisms throughout its implementation. The results of FRAME will feed into programming of IPA II 2014-2020. The project was launched in Montenegro and Serbia in early 2013 and will continue in the other enlargement countries during the second half of 2013.  More information Agenda: EventsDB-Agenda_EN Official Website The FRAME – Skills for the Future project, funded under the 2013 IPA multi-beneficiary envelope, has the objective to help countries to develop the skills ...
... develop an independent, professional and sustainable media sector and to support overall democratization.  This conference aims to discuss the internationally-led media assistance programs, and whether or not they were instrumental for media reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia – trying to understand the link between deployed assistance strategies and achieved results in the local context.  Questions to be addressed are: Can external media assistance result in the creation of sustainable media institutions? How does the context influence the development of media institutions and media outlets that have been ...
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