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... be submitted following the instructions set out in the tender dossier. The deadline for submission of bids is 30 April  17.00 Central European Times, to the following address: Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat, Administrative Unit,  Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1/V (Building of the Friendship between Greece and Bosnia and Herzegovina), 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat, provided representatives of the ministries of science from South East Europe (SEE), the European Commission, the World Bank as well as other relevant regional and international partners (such as UNESCO, OECD and WBC-INCO.NET) with an opportunity to get acquainted ...
... is scheduled for Saturday, 21 September2013, starting at 9.30. For more details about the Conference, please contact professor Jasmina Osmanković (, Amra Avdagić MSc ( and Belinda Kikić ( The Conference is organised by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with several other Institutions. A Call for papers is open until 30th April 2013 ...
... projects worth €18,542,000 (Romania and Bulgaria were ahead of it with 122 and 76 projects respectively, worth €32,345,000 and €19,916,000). Serbia and Montenegro, still treated as one entity, had 36 projects worth €9,773,000 followed by Albania with three projects worth €671,000. Bosnia and Herzegovina only had two projects, worth €311,000 while Macedonia had none. Looking at the trends for 2007-2011, three groupings emerge, with Slovenia clearly standing out; middling Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro; and poorly performing Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania. The data comes from the CORDIS database (published by the European Commission ...
... A roundtable discussion will be organised as part of the Novi Sad conference. It is here where Western Balkan journalists will share their perspectives on  Europeanisation.   In June 2013, each team/institution will organise local presentations of their research results.    Involved Countries (4): FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia   Involved Institutions: 1. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad 2. Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo 3. Independent researchers – Macedonia (Dejan Donev, Daniela Blaževska, Jordan Dukov, Veronika Kamchevska, Naum Trajanovski, Vlatko Chalovski, 4. Independent researchers – Montenegro (Natasa Ružić, Andrijana Rabrenović, Dejan Lučić, Marija Ivanović ...
... The RRPP is aimed at fostering and promoting social science research in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Social science research aids in the understanding of the specific needs for reform and in identifying the long-term implications of potential policy choices. Researchers receive support through research grants, methodological and thematic trainings, as well as opportunities for regional and international exchange and networking. The ...
... nbsp;threat analysis project for the Danube Region. Background The Strategy was launched in 2011 (IP/11/472) after a request 2 years earlier by EU governments. The 14 countries in the macro-region (8 EU members ) are: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova. The first Annual Forum of the EUSDR was held in Regensburg, Germany in November 2012 - with Chancellor Angela Merkel as keynote speaker The second Annual Forum will be held in Bucharest, Romania on 28/29 October this year. The Danube is the EU's second ...
The high propensity of students who consider emigration primarily as a temporary move for educational purposes seems to be the most striking result. It is striking because the result is so clear, and it is striking because it contrasts with the widespread view that young people from the Balkan region are mainly driven by dissatisfaction at home and lured by unrealistic expectations of a better life abroad. In stark contrast to this view, the study shows that the rationale and intentions of ...
... inequality, and when talks on inclusive growth topped the agenda of global policy makers within the World Bank, European Commission, etc. Source and further information: RRPP The University American College Skopje presented preliminary results from the project, “To Consume or to Self-Employ: Evidence From the Use of Remittances in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo”, at a roundtable taking place on 13 March 2013. This is a joint regional research project conducted by the University American College Skopje, CEDAR from Bosnia and Herzegovina and individual researchers from Kosovo, with support from the Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) of the Swiss Agency for Development ...
48% JRC Annual Report 2012 Document 4. Apr. 2013
This report provides an overview of the JRC's main achievements in the past year, highlighting the scientific and technical support to financial stability, to growth, jobs and innovation, as well as to agriculture and global food security, low carbon economy and resource efficiency. The report also addresses public health and safety and security, including nuclear safety and security. In her foreword, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, ...
DIAnet's main objective is to promote the enhancement and increase of the parameters measuring quality, effectiveness, competitiveness and integration in research, administration, cooperation and exchange of good practices. To achieve its objectives, DIAnet envisages fellowships for incoming and outgoing mobility (grants for PhD studies, mobility, theses development and research), international schools and thematic seminars addressed to reinforce the network. ...
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