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Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for fyr of Macedonia addresses the following: There is a good level of preparation in the area of science and research. Good progress was made with respect to actions on innovation, and with initial and active participation in the EU Research and Innovation Programme "Horizon 2020". In the coming year, the country should focus on:  → actions to strengthen the research capacity in line with the European Research Area;  → ...
38% EC Progress report 2015 Albania Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Albania addresses the following: Preparations are at an early stage in the area of science and research. There was no progress in the past year. In the coming year, the country should in particular:  → build capacity and increase investment in research to ensure integration into the European Research Area and contribute to the Innovation Union;  → increase efforts for successful participation in the research and ...
38% EC Progress report 2015 Montenegro Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Montenegro addresses the following: There is a good level of preparation in this chapter and some progress was made in the past year. In the coming year, Montenegro should in particular:  → enhance efforts to increase investment in research, in particular through stimulating investment by the private sector;  → increase and focus efforts on participation in the EU Programme 'Horizon 2020'. Montenegro participates in the ...
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Bosnia and Herzegovina addresses the following: Preparations on education and research and innovation policy are at an early stage. There was no progress in these sectors but Bosnia and Herzegovina actively participated in different cultural programmes as well as research networks and activities. In the coming year, the country should in particular:  → step up coordination and harmonisation of the legal framework on ...
... good track. Equally, the Structured Dialogue on Justice proves to be the right forum to address relevant issues on the state level judiciary. In the near future I expect Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve policy coordination at all levels and deliver on the SAA adaptation following the accession of Croatia. Kosovo government has taken some very difficult decisions lately with the establishment of the Specialist Chambers and a Specialist Prosecution office as well as the agreements reached with Belgrade in August. Our report acknowledges these key decisions. However the six month political stalemate after the elections delayed key reforms. Kosovo is ...
... the European Research Area Committee (ERAC) and related advisory bodies and in regional networks and initiatives. According to statistical data from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the total expenditure on research (both public and private investment) amounted to less than 69.6 EUR million or 0.27% of its GDP in 2012. Kosovo* Preparations in education and research are at an early stage. There has been no progress in this area over the last year. The quality of education needs to be considerably improved. In the coming year, Kosovo should in particular: → improve quality of education at all levels and improve access to ...
... country since 2005 – remains at an impasse. Albania was granted candidate status in 2014 and is addressing a number of key priorities before the Commission can recommend the opening of accession negotiations. A Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Bosnia and Herzegovina entered into force in June. An SAA with Kosovo was signed in October 2015. For detailed findings and recommendations on each country see: Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo Montenegro Serbia The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey More information at: IP/15/5976 European Commission - Press release 2015 enlargement package ...
... This agreement is opening a new phase in the EU-Kosovo relationship. It represents an important contribution to stability and prosperity in Kosovo and the region at large. I am looking forward to its coming into force," said High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini on the occasion of the signing. "This agreement is a milestone for the EU-Kosovo relationship. It will help Kosovo make much needed reforms and will create trade and investment opportunities. It ...
... Strategy).  “Balkan Opinion Barometer”, a set of approximately 80 indicators showing the results of the public opinion survey on crucial economic and development issues in SEE and commissioned by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) clearly shows that vast majority of interviewees in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia still prefer to work in the public sector (79%), only 16% prefer the employment in the private sector. Interestingly, 40% consider attending additional education / courses to help to find a job as not necessary and for almost 50% their education is not an obstacle in the labour ...
... Region; Relations between Balkan Countries and EU; Role of History in the Balkan Region; Conflict Resolution; Cooperation and Peace building; Neighborhood Relations and Politics; Refugees; Visa Liberation – Schengen ; Globalization and EU integration; Cultural, Political, Religious, Ethnic, Transnational Networks; Migration and Integration Policy, Challenges and Management) 3. Conflicts and Crises (Kosovo* conflict, FYR of Macedonia conflict, Bosnian Conflict and EU integration; Community Building and Civil Society; Nation building and Democracy) 4. Economics (Transition to capitalism; Economics development and Investments; Trade and Finance; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Business Administration and Management; Foreign Investments; International Trade; International Political Economy; Employment; Economics Crisis and ...
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