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The European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies have publicised the European Economy Economic Papers No. 346 on the 'Adjustment capacity of labour markets of the Western Balkan countries', with a focus on labour markets, and background studies on several countries of the region. The main question addressed in this study is the performance of the labour markets in the Western Balkans; to find ...
The SCORE Policy Paper presents the regional/common ICT Research & Development priorities of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia. The priorities were defined following a two-phase consultation process that involved more than 320 ICT stakeholders in the region. Moreover, the paper presents concrete recommendations on what the Western Balkan countries on the one hand and the EU on the other ...
The Chamber of Commerce Belgium-Luxembourg South-Eastern Europe is an officially certified Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Belgium and Luxembourg in charge of Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece,Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia including Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), and Slovenia, aswell as of cooperation with Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Turkey.One of the prominent goals of the Chamber is, acting both on the federal levels and on those of the Regions, support of business expansion ...
"Policy Background The integration of Western Balkan countries (WBCs) into the European Union (EU) is a major political and economic project designed to assure stability and development in the region. The association of these countries to the Seventh (EC) research framework programme (FP7) has to be seen as a means to facilitate this integration and support their economic development through joint research efforts and allowing the WBCs to get familiar with the EU decision-making on research ...
32% 2009 - Year of the Western Balkans News 3. Dec. 2008
... free and fair elections and to improve the dialogue between major political parties and actors. There has also been some progress on fighting corruption, civil service reform, improving the business environment and stimulating employment. Nonetheless, further efforts are necessary. The Commission will continue to monitor progress on these areas closely. Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are moving ahead with the implementation of their respective Interim Agreements and have made progress in important reform areas. Consolidating the rule of law and administrative enforcement capacities remains a major challenge in these countries. In particular, Albania needs to ensure the proper preparation and ...
... the establishment of the School in Montenegro has been initiated today. The reform of public administrations is essential for both candidate and potential candidate countries in their path towards the EU. The future activities of the School will strengthen the administrative capacities of the signatory Parties while promoting regional co-operation. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, acting on behalf of Kosovo pursuant to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, shall, after signature, engage to ratification, acceptance or approval in accordance with their respective legal ...
... the "Seventh European Framework Programme" on November 24, 2008. Bosnia and Herzegovina have thus become the 12th associated country to the EC's 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7). The other Associated Countries are Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Israel, Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYRoM), Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania ...
The newsletter published by the SEE-GRID-SCI project also covers specific news from the region such as: National Grid Initiative of Albania has been established The Minister of Education & Science of  Albania has officially recognized the National Grid Initiative in Albania. ALBGRID is funded by the National Programme for Research and Development in ICT for 2007-2009. Central part of ALBGRID team is involved in the SEEGRID-SCI project. Training of meteorologists from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia - Herzegovina A two-day training of meteorologists from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina on SEE-GRID infrastructure, services, and ...
31% New Ministers in the Region News 20. Nov. 2008
Fatos BEJA - Albania The new Albanian minister Fatos Beja is an experienced politician and at the same time a personality of university background. He holds a Doctorate in Philology Sciences. From 1971 to 1982, he worked as translator and editor at the Albanian Telegraphic Agency, from 1982 to 1985 he was editor of ...
... strategies from the Western Balkan countries will be gathered by Gorazd Weiss at, but users are also invited to directly submit research funding programmes tackling global issues. Link: Current (November 2008) data entries are as follows: UNDP/GEF CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAMME Albania National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) Bosnia and Herzegovina National Strategy for Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Chane (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol in the Republic of Croatia, with an Action Plan Croatia National Program to Mitigate Drought Impacts and Combat Desertification (NAP)-thematic area CLIMATE Croatia ...
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