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On 14 October 2009 the Commission adopted its annual strategy document explaining its policy on EU enlargement. Tthe 2009 progress reports were published on the same date, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. That "enlargement package" of information contains also a multi-annual financial framework setting out the financial assistance available to support the reform efforts of the ...
48% Cooperation-Opportunities Matrix Document 14. Oct. 2009
WINS-ICT deliverable D16 sets the main ICT related funding opportunities currently accessible from the Western Balkan region. The main objective of the deliverable is to document the relation between critical existing needs of the ICT RTD system in the Western Balkan Countries (WBC) and the currently available funding programs. In detail, it focuses on the correspondence between these two components: the needs and the offer (e.g. need to support young ICT researchers through the specific ...
48% Progress Report 2009 - Serbia Document 14. Oct. 2009
On 14 October 2009 the Commission adopted its annual strategy document explaining its policy on EU enlargement. Tthe 2009 progress reports were published on the same date, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. That "enlargement package" of information contains also a multi-annual financial framework setting out the financial assistance available to support the reform efforts of the ...
48% Progress Report 2009 - Croatia Document 14. Oct. 2009
On 14 October 2009 the Commission adopted its annual strategy document explaining its policy on EU enlargement. Tthe 2009 progress reports were published on the same date, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. That "enlargement package" of information contains also a multi-annual financial framework setting out the financial assistance available to support the reform efforts of the ...
48% Progress Report 2009 - Albania Document 14. Oct. 2009
On 14 October 2009 the Commission adopted its annual strategy document explaining its policy on EU enlargement. Tthe 2009 progress reports were published on the same date, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. That "enlargement package" of information contains also a multi-annual financial framework setting out the financial assistance available to support the reform efforts of the ...
48% Progress Report 2009 - FYR of Macedonia Document 14. Oct. 2009
On 14 October 2009 the Commission adopted its annual strategy document explaining its policy on EU enlargement. Tthe 2009 progress reports were published on the same date, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. That "enlargement package" of information contains also a multi-annual financial framework setting out the financial assistance available to support the reform efforts of the ...
48% Progress Report 2009 - Montenegro Document 14. Oct. 2009
On 14 October 2009 the Commission adopted its annual strategy document explaining its policy on EU enlargement. Tthe 2009 progress reports were published on the same date, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. That "enlargement package" of information contains also a multi-annual financial framework setting out the financial assistance available to support the reform efforts of the ...
... in promoting stability, security and prosperity. Iceland's application adds a new dimension to our enlargement agenda." Visa-free travel for citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia at the beginning of 2010 will bring tangible benefits for citizens. The Commission will table proposals for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina by mid-2010, provided these countries meet the conditions set. Croatia has made good progress in meeting the benchmarks set in the accession negotiations and negotiations have now formally resumed following the political agreement between Slovenia and Croatia over handling the border issue. Croatia will need to pursue its reform efforts ...
47% SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme Organisation 14. Oct. 2009
... a total population of 200 million and presents one of the most diverse and complex transnational co-operation areas in Europe. It is the only transnational programme area with such a large number of non-EU countries participating (candidates, potential candidates and third countries). The eligible area for TCP-SEE comprises Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, parts of Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Moldova and parts of Ukraine. ...
Whereas in the period 2002-2007, the BGP included only guest lecturers, it has now been upgraded to BGP+ and consists of the following two components: Within the Brain Gain Program plus (BGP+) faculties/universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosova/o, Montenegro and Serbia can invite professors, assistants or experts in relevant fields originating from former Yugoslavia to teach as guest lecturers, participate in research and development, and mentor student theses. There are two different possibilities: 1. BGP+ Classic (the supported period of stay should be between 1 and ...
Draft Conclusions of the Follow-up meeting to the Ministerial Conference on Regional Strategy for Research and Development for the Western Balkans on September 7, 2009 at the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regional Cooperation Council/ Building Human Capital and Cross-Cutting Issues Unit: Follow-up meeting to the Ministerial Conference on Regional Strategy for Research and Development for the Western Balkans, 7 September 2009, RCC Secretariat, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina -Draft Conclusions.       RCC ...
Eligible to apply for a Kokkalis Fellowship are natives of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey who are applying to one of the following Master’s degrees at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: Public Policy, Public Administration, Public Administratiion in International Development or in Public Administration/Mid-Career. ...
The ad hoc committee "Inter Academy Council of the National Academies of South East Europe" unites the following participant Academies of Science / Academies of Science and Arts of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), the FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. The IACSEE was founded with the Venice Declaration on 19 November, 2001, "aware of the tragic events of the recenty years in the region and taking into account the necessity to secure substainable peace and development ...
On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Zagreb on October 29, 2009. Please visit this page again if you are searching for a particular country report which is not available yet because further reports ...
A public debate on the Draft Strategy on Science Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Action plan was opened on July 6, 2009. The Draft Strategy was developed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, representatives of the entity ministries and the research community. Once adopted, it will be the first such document at the state level. Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine: Strategija ...
The document gives an overview of selected economic indicators for South East Europe (SEE) for the first six months of 2009. Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat: South East Europe Economic Indicators. 18 September 2009 RCC Secretariat
... Call identifier: EuropeAid/128806/L/ACT/YU - deadline: 06-10-2009 Applicants from former Yugoslavia are invited to present their proposals concerning the "Cross-border Programme Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)" for the development of good neighbourhood relations and in particular at cooperation in the economic anc socio-cultural field. Further information: ...
... Source: RCC. Based on the decision of the Governing Board of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE), the ERI SEE Agency invites applications for the position of the Executive Director of the ERI SEE Agency. Citizens of the Istanbul Memorandum of Understanding signatory parties (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, UNMIK/Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and Serbia) are eligible for applying and are kindly invited to submit their application within 30 days deadline (starting on September 11, 2009 ...
... interest and to provide a platform for networking, exchanging best practices and building partnerships between the main programme stakeholders and other donors in the SEE area. Source: South East Europe (SEE) Programme. The annual conference of the South East Europe Programme will take place on 14-15 October 2009 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina under the title "Advancing development through transnational cooperation in South East Europe" ...
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