News archive - Brain Gain Programme Plus Supports Guest Lectures

The Brain Gain Program plus (BGP +)  is aimed at persons from former Yugoslavia or Austria to teach as guest lecturers at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia. Financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) it targets to emigrated academics and enables them to come back to their country of origin for short-term visits at state universities. Guest lecturers may now stay at the host institution for up to one semester.

Whereas in the period 2002-2007, the BGP included only guest lecturers, it has now been upgraded to BGP+ and consists of the following two components:

Within the Brain Gain Program plus (BGP+) faculties/universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosova/o, Montenegro and Serbia can invite professors, assistants or experts in relevant fields originating from former Yugoslavia to teach as guest lecturers, participate in research and development, and mentor student theses. There are two different possibilities:

1. BGP+ Classic (the supported period of stay should be between 1 and 3 weeks with at least 15 teaching hours per week), and
2. BGP+ with an extended period of stay (the supported period of stay is the whole semester, and the lecturer is obliged to take over theses mentoring. A guest lecturer can a) take over the full teaching workload – at least 10 teaching hours per week - and mentoring, or b) half teaching workload – at least 5 teaching hours per week – and research and mentoring.)

This type of international scientific exchange and cooperation is not only considered to be important for the development of the universities in SEE, it also has a "brain gain effect", although it is not targeted at the final return of the emigrated academics. Nevertheless, the Brain Gain Program is foreseen as a very effective mean to link these guest researchers/lecturer to already existing networks in SEE and make them a driving force of knowledge transfer and quality assurance.

The Brain Gain Program call for applications is open until September 2010! For additional information regarding application procedure, selection procedure and money transfer effectuation please visit

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Serbia
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 7, 2009
Modified on October 7, 2009