News archive - [Event Announcement] Conference "Advancing development through transnational cooperation in South East Europe"

The annual conference of the South East Europe Programme will take place on 14-15 October 2009 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina under the title "Advancing development through transnational cooperation in South East Europe".

The conference will bring together some 400 participants, including representatives of the European Commission and other main international donors active in the region, officials and experts from the SEE countries, representatives of international organizations and academia, potential project developers,

The key objectives of the conference are

  • to provide an overview of the SEE programme development;
  • to present and reinforce the role of the SEE programme in the area;
  • to disseminate information about financial support to transnational cooperation available under the second call of the SEE Programme and promote the thematic issues of interest and
  • to provide a platform for networking, exchanging best practices and building partnerships between the main programme stakeholders and other donors in the SEE area.

Source: South East Europe (SEE) Programme.

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 11, 2009
Modified on September 11, 2009