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... in April 2008, the BAFN team produced several reports that are likely to be of interest to researchers and policy-makers in this field. A position paper has been produced setting out the scientific fields considered priority areas for the agri-food sector in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. It stresses that capacity building, modernising research infrastructures, developing incentives for the purchase of equipment and researcher mobility are all key areas for development. The reports go on to recommend the following areas for further development: biodiversity, including the conservation of genetic resources and indigenous species; food safety, including chemical ...
... on trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities, the following WBC partners are involved: Ministry of Education and Science of Albania, Directorate of Scientific Research (Shpresa RAMA) Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of Croatia, Directorate for International Cooperation (Lada BENZON) Ministry of Science of Serbia (Suzana VOJINOVIC) Agency for International Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Montenegro, Department for International Scientific and Technical Cooperation (Tamara TOVJANIN) Source: The European Commission has published a document presenting the list of proposals retained for eventual financing in the ...
The ERA WESTBALKAN+ initiative is supporting the Western Balkan Countries (WBC), i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in participating in the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7). This partnering event encourages researchers from WBC to find mainly suitable Greek partners for a consortium during the fourth/fifth open call in the thematic priority "ICT" (the next call is expected to be published in November 2008).It gives researchers ...
... by the Greek Research & Technology Network (GRNET) and the project consortium consists of representatives from Albania (Polytechnic University of Tirana), Armenia (IIAP-NAS-RA), Bosnia-Herzegovina (University of Banja Luka), Bulgaria (IPP-BAS), Croatia (RBI), F.Y.R. of Macedonia (UKIM), Georgia (GRENA), Hungary (MTA-SZTAKI), Moldova (RENAM), Montenegro (University of Montenegro), Romania (ICI), Serbia (University of Belgrade), Turkey (TUBITAK), as well as the European Centre of Nuclear Physics (CERN) in an advisory role. In order to ensure the necessary critical mass, thirty regional Research and Academic institutions have been selected to participate in the project as third-parties to the consortium partners, and the entire ...
... ministerial conference, to which EU Member State and South-East European country Transport Ministers have been invited, is being organised and run in cooperation with the European Commission and the European Parliament. The conference, held at the Sava Centre in Belgrade, will be formally opened by Boris Tadič, the President of Serbia, and chaired by the Slovenian Minister of Transport, Mr Radovan Zerjav; the activities of the European Commission will be presented by Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner responsible for Transport, while the views of the European Parliament will be outlined by Paolo Costa, chairman of the EP ...
... development of transnational partnerships and joint actions on matters of strategic importance. The SEE Programme Area includes 16 countries. For 14 countries the eligible area is the whole territory of the country, namely for Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Moldova. In Italia and Ukraine only certain regions are eligible. The Managing Authority of the SEE Programme is Hungarian National Development Agency. The global and specific objectives of the programme will be pursued through Priority Axes, which contribute differently to the specific programme objectives: Priority Axis ...
29% SEE Programme: First Call Open News 16. May. 2008
... competitiveness through the development of transnational partnerships and joint actions on matters of strategic importance. The Managing Authority of the SEE Programme (Hungarian National Development Agency) and the partner states (Albania, Austria, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine) are launching the first call for projects for transnational cooperation in the South Eastern area of Europe to be co-financed by ERDF and IPA under this programme. In the first step, applicants are requested to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) based on a short form ...
The Regional Balkans Infrastructure Project, Transport - in the following referred to as REBIS - commenced in June 2002. The project is financed by the EU Commission and covers the Balkan countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYRO Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro, including Kosovo which is under international administration in line with UNSCR 1244 of 10 June 1999. REBIS aims to assist these countries in developing coherent strategies for transport infrastructure development. It focuses in particular on the development of a regional Core Network and on the identification of projects ...
29% Laboratory renovated in FP6 Project News 9. May. 2008
... holography. This research has important applications, primarily in ultra precise metrology, new holographic materials and quantum information. Expected increase of the quality of research and applications due to QUPOM funding will help to establish fast spectroscopy with cold atoms, to increase the level of performance of optical primary standards of Serbia. The service that is provided to the region through several accredited measurements and time dissemination will be at higher level as well. The group also researches quantum interference phenomena during laser-atom interaction that generates sub natural linewidth, enhancement of the index of refraction, non-linear magneto-optical effects with applications in a ...
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