News archive - Laboratory renovated in FP6 Project

Projects funded by the European Commission in FP6 and FP7 show tangible results in the Western Balkan countries: upgrading of laboratories is one of the possibilities. A good practice is the FP6 INCO Project “Qupom-Reinforcing research center for quantum and optical metrology” at the Institute of Physics Belgrade.

The new laboratory was renovated with resources provided in the framework of the FP6 QUPOM project - as shown on the picture an optical table was purchased by the QUPOM funds, resting on the concrete floor which itself is separated from the rest of the floor and suspended on the pneumatic legs. This has given the laboratory best possible conditions (rarely found in the region and beyond) for vibration sensitive measurements.

QUPOM objectives

The objective of QUPOM is to transform our Laboratory for optics and lasers into regional center for non-linear and quantum optics, precision laser spectroscopy and holography. This research has important applications, primarily in ultra precise metrology, new holographic materials and quantum information. Expected increase of the quality of research and applications due to QUPOM funding will help to establish fast spectroscopy with cold atoms, to increase the level of performance of optical primary standards of Serbia. The service that is provided to the region through several accredited measurements and time dissemination will be at higher level as well.

The group also researches quantum interference phenomena during laser-atom interaction that generates sub natural linewidth, enhancement of the index of refraction, non-linear magneto-optical effects with applications in a new generation of atomic clocks, standards of length, ultra precision magnetometry, communication systems for pulse compression and for optical memories. New holographic materials are developed, novel applications of holographic methods and materials in biomedicine and nano-scale patterning as well as optical coherence tomography for accurate measurement of internal dental structures are used, holographic nanostructures are developed and used in photonic crystals.

QUPOM’s impact

The most direct impact from QUPOM is improved environment in which the students work. Better knowledge of more advanced technical and technological details associated with quantum optics, ultra precision measurements, holography, photonics will help them in their careers in either academic or in industrial jobs. The better-equipped laboratory will be able to involve students in a more challenging work, and to provide them with a better education. The new center of excellence will be scientifically stronger at the end of a three-year period.

High-tech start up companies can only be expected from highly educated PhD students in emerging fields of science as this one with many potential high technology applications. A further impact of QUPOM is the dissemination of knowledge, accumulated during years of QUPOM's duration, to students in Serbia and in the region.

At the end of the project the institute expects to be internationally competitive in the area of both fundamental and applied research in quantum and optical metrology. At the end of the project the group will also be able to offer cooperation in future European projects to colleagues in European research laboratories. Also, it is envisaged to transform the center into a multi user facility for multidisciplinary research including bio-physics and medical physics.

European Commission, DG RTD
Institute of Physics, Belgrade

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 10, 2008
Modified on May 9, 2008