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... divided into two parts, depending on the status of smart specialisation development in the participating countries and economies: For Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia it is an introduction to smart specialisation governance and guidance on creation national smart specialisation teams; For Serbia and Montenegro it is a training enabling entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) coordinators and facilitators to prepare and organize it in accordance with the smart specialisation methodology. Participants: Group 1: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: representatives of institutions relevant for the smart specialisation process: ministries of ...
33% The Berlin Process 2014-2018 Document 20. Mar. 2018
This report is part of the the Berlin Process Series, an initiative started by Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), in November 2015, in Tirana, and supported by Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Hanns Seidel Foundation. It has taken the following form: • Research on the Berlin process and its priority areas: Berlin process being a thinly documented process, CDI has contributed to create a body of knowledge, as well as to gather in one place major documents ...
... notice for the Call as well as the application package at following webpage The Call Reference is Europe Aid/138-552/ID/ACT/ME, under the National Programme IPA 2014 (indirect management mode with ex ante control) aims at further enhancing the business environment and competitiveness of the private sector of Montenegro, through strengthening the administrative capacity and operational framework for coordination, planning and implementation within the Competitiveness and Innovation sector, through targeted support for development, research and innovation ...
... stakeholders from EU member states and South-east Europe countries, including the Western Balkans. Participants are likely to include: research and innovation policy-makers, scientists, businesses, regional authorities as well as representatives of academia and technology transfer offices. Up to 250 participants are expected. Selected participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, may request reimbursement of the travel and accommodation costs. Selection for reimbursement will be based on reason for submission, interest for participation, organisation, position in the organisation and appropriate geographical balance. *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in ...
... stakeholders from EU member states and South-east Europe countries, including the Western Balkans. Participants are likely to include: research and innovation policy-makers, scientists, businesses, regional authorities as well as representatives of academia and technology transfer offices. Up to 250 participants are expected. Selected participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, may request reimbursement of the travel and accommodation costs. Selection for reimbursement will be based on reason for submission, interest for participation, organisation, position in the organisation and appropriate geographical balance. *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in ...
... and Technology of Kosovo Shyqiri Bytyqi, Minister of Education and Science of Macedonia Renata Deskoska, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia Vladimir Popović, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia Tomaž Boh, and the Minister of Science of Montenegro Sanja Damjanović, who signed the Declaration on behalf of the Government of Montenegro. The Declaration represents an historical step and transforms the original Initiative, to create an international laboratory with the aim of promoting science and technology and improving the relations between countries in the spirit of CERN, into a regional project. For the first time, representatives of the countries of South East ...
This document was produced under the auspices of the Ministry of Science of Montenegro and provides introductory information on the project for a SEE International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIST). Ministry of Science, Montenegro
... overall, economic, social and political development of the region. Following the reception, the Rules of Procedures of the Steering Committee have been adopted at its meeting, and the future activities and necessary steps have been considered in the context of the implementation of the project. The Minister of Science of Montenegro Dr. Sanja Damjanović was unanimously elected as the Chairperson of the Steering Committee, with a term of office of two years. Next steps include a draft Memorandum on Cooperation at the Level of Prime Ministers to be shortly prepared so as to be signed EU-WB Summit in Sofia in May ...
... Steering Committee  (expected on 30 January in Sofia, Bulgaria)  that will play a leading role in decision-making about all future scientific and political steps necessary for the implementation of the project of international institute in South East Europe. ________________________________ Videos of the event are available at Ministry of Montenegro website: VIDEO: Forum on New International Research Facilities in South East Europe - scenes VIDEO: Minister of Science Sanja Damjanovic - statement VIDEO: Robert-Jan Smits. Robert, Director-General of DG Research and Innovation (RTD) at the European Commisision-presentation An official photo gallery is also available at this page.           ...
... will be limited to: 20 with reimbursement (A) + 20 from the Serbia and/or neighboring countries which can reach this training school without reimbursement (B). For this second group, priority will be given to candidates from Serbia and from countries bordering Serbia: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania. These candidates may also apply to target group A as all other candidates and are eligible to receive reimbursement if selected within this group. With this partitioning in two groups we intend to enlarge the number of participants, but still allowing for active engagement by all participants and ...
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