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37% The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011 Document 22. Sep. 2010
The Global Competitiveness Report’s competitiveness ranking is based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), developed for the World Economic Forum by Sala-i-Martin and introduced in 2004. The GCI is based on 12 pillars of competitiveness, providing a comprehensive picture of the competitiveness landscape in countries around the world at all stages of development. The pillars are: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education ...
... Along with the reinforcement of the research capacities for food characterization by obtaining suitable equipment (liquid chromatographs with appropriate detection systems), improvement of the human potential is foreseen by hiring young researchers and their training in the respective fields. With joint efforts of the researchers from R. Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria, on one side, and the renown EU research groups from Spain and France, on the other, methodology for characterization of antioxidant substances in fruits, juices and wines is going to be developed and applied. A regional network involved in research of various aspects of antioxidants in foods ...
Internationalisation is vital for SMEs to prosper in an increasingly competitive world and could contribute to sustaining employment, according to a recent study. The survey maps the level of internationalisation of European SMEs, identifies the main barriers and advantages of internationalisation and proposes policy recommendations. The European Commission-funded study, ‘Internationalisation of European SMEs’, was carried out in 2009 and analyses all modes of internationalisation, ...
... On 11th June 2007 the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopted the Law on Establishing an Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development for the purpose of successful implementation of the measures under agriculture policy and rural development policy in the Republic of Macedonia. Hence, it provided efficient management of the funds under the both the Budget of ...
The aim of this report is to monitor the participation of SMEs in the Cooperation Programme within the Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7). The report also covers the SME participation in the Capacities and People programmes of FP7. The Commission is required to pay special attention to the funding for SMEs under the Cooperation Programme, following the target in the Decision establishing FP7. The aim is to enable at least 15% of the funding of the programme to go to SMEs. This Fifth SME ...
... is open to education and vocational training specialists and decision-makers. You are eligible if you: * are a national of or work or live in one of the countries participating in the LLP programme, namely the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; * belong to any of the target groups described in article 17 of the programme announcement (see below); * have not participated in a study visit since March 2009; * have good command of any of the working languages of study visits (English, French, German and Spanish). For further information for organisers and ...
... of Kragujevac (2x) University of Belgrade (3 x) University of Novi Sad (3 x) University of Montenegro (2 x) University of Mitrovica (1 x) In addition, several WBC institutions are involved in projects submitted by other institutions: Albania (11 projects), Bosnia and Hervegovina (8 projects), FYR of Macedonia (22 projects), Montenegro (13 projects), Serbia (99 projects) and Kosovo/under UNSCR 1244 (11 projects). Proceed to the full list of selected projects including project titles and additional information.     The selection results of the third Call for Proposals to be funded under the Tempus IV have ...
The purpose of the Guide to Financial Issues relating to FP7 Indirect Actions - version 30/06/2010 - is to help participants to understand and interpret the financial provisions of the Model Grant Agreement (ECGA) that they are signing. To this end, the enclosed text tries to avoid (to the best possible extent) the use of legal references, technical vocabulary and legal jargon, and seeks to provide the reader with practical advice. The structure of this guide mirrors the financial provisions of ...
The website of the Delegation of the European Union to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia contains information resources on the EU and the bilateral relations with the FYR of Macedonia, information on financial assistance, tenders and vacancies, etc.
34% World Social Science Report 2010 Document 27. Jul. 2010
Social science from Western countries continues to have the greatest global influence, but the field is expanding rapidly in Asia and Latin America, particularly in China and Brazil. In sub-Saharan Africa, social scientists from South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya produce 75% of academic publications. In South Asia, barring some centres of excellence in India, social sciences as a whole have low priority. These are a few of the findings from World Social Science Report, 2010: “Knowledge ...
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