News archive - Selection Results of the Tempus IV 3rd Call for Proposals

The selection results of the third Call for Proposals to be funded under the Tempus IV have recently been finalised. 64 proposals have been recommended for funding from the Tempus budget, including such involving WBC universities.

These proposals were evaluated by independent experts against the selection and award criteria published in the Call. The short list of projects based on experts' quality assessment was sent to the EU Delegations, National Tempus Offices and relevant National Authorities in the Partner Countries for consultation, to ensure that they were in line with national higher education policies in the Partner Countries. The responses from the consultation process were analysed and taken into consideration along with the results of experts' evaluation as well as other considerations to which a priority was given in the Call, namely to encourage Structural Measures and multi-country projects. Lastly, the selection committee had to ensure a geographic balance across the Tempus Partner Countries.

Projects submitted by the following WBC universities were selected for funding:

  • University of Kragujevac (2x)
  • University of Belgrade (3 x)
  • University of Novi Sad (3 x)
  • University of Montenegro (2 x)
  • University of Mitrovica (1 x)

In addition, several WBC institutions are involved in projects submitted by other institutions: Albania (11 projects), Bosnia and Hervegovina (8 projects), FYR of Macedonia (22 projects), Montenegro (13 projects), Serbia (99 projects) and Kosovo/under UNSCR 1244 (11 projects).

Proceed to the full list of selected projects including project titles and additional information.



Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • SEE
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on August 12, 2010
Modified on August 12, 2010