Reinforcement of the WBC Research Capacities for Food Quality Characterization

The trend of production and use of healthy food has focused the researchers’ attention on characterization of the phenolic profile of foods consumed in everyday diet. Fruits and fruit products are known to possess beneficial effects on health due to a wide variety of natural polyphenols and consequently a great antioxidant potential. Western Balkan Countries are predominantly agricultural with great potential for production of healthy food with authentic origin and specified health promoting composition. In order to ensure efficient and appropriate development of food production and food quality characterization in R. Macedonia and Serbia, according to EU standards and practice, a project for upgrading the research capacity in food quality control is proposed here.

Along with the reinforcement of the research capacities for food characterization by obtaining suitable equipment (liquid chromatographs with appropriate detection systems), improvement of the human potential is foreseen by hiring young researchers and their training in the respective fields. With joint efforts of the researchers from R. Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria, on one side, and the renown EU research groups from Spain and France, on the other, methodology for characterization of antioxidant substances in fruits, juices and wines is going to be developed and applied. A regional network involved in research of various aspects of antioxidants in foods aimed towards providing the necessary knowledge, tools and methods for development of high quality, consumer-acceptable foods will be established. In that sense, the human and material resources from these institutions will be mobilized by obtaining modern equipment, exchange of know-how, training of research personnel in EU research centers, dissemination of the results and promotion of the new reinforced potential of the scientific community in the Western Balkan Countries for future high quality research incorporated in the European Research Area.

Project type
  • FP7
Country of the coordinating institution
Republic of North Macedonia
Contact details
Address:Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Marina Stefova SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje - Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Arhimedova 5, , 1001 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Agricultural Sciences
February 2008 - January 2011

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 22, 2010
Modified on March 29, 2012