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... in a given technology field.) Maximum portion of Austrian aid flowing abroad: Generally 20–40%, depending on the number of partners and partner countries involved (in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe); not less than 15%; and not more than 50%.   Partner countries for consortium partners: Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Georgia Kazakhstan Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99) FYR of Macedonia Moldavia Montenegro Romania Russia Serbia Turkey Ukraine Source and further information:, as accessed on July 6, 2010. COIN – Cooperation & Innovation – is a joint initiative launched by the ...
The present document is the result of a process that started in spring 2009 and aims at providing a new impetus to the RCC’s work in the coming three-year period by making use of its potential and focusing on the lines described above. This process involved an intense dialogue both within the RCC and between it and donor community. The document consists of a general part, ("Strategy"), and the "Work Programme 2011-2013". The Strategy defines the permanent ...
This report contains a statistical analysis of data on Grant Agreements in FP7 signed before April 1, 2010. European Commission/DG Research: Fifth Progress Report on SMEs participation in the 7th R&D Framework Programme, June 2010. EC.
48% RCC Annual Report 2009-2010 Document 25. Jun. 2010
The "Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional co-operation in South East Europe" deals with the RCC's activities in 2009-2010 (publication date: May 2010). It reports about general trends in regional cooperation in South East Europe, developments in priority areas of regional cooperation in South East Europe within the RCC framework (such as Economic and Social Development, Infrastructure and Energy etc) and outlines 'the way ahead'. ...
... study visit gave the representatives a chance to learn more about current RTDI issues under preparation by the Commission. It was also an opportunity to inform the Commission on recent developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to discuss the cooperation. Capacity building and institutional strengthening of science and research in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the first project under the EU assistance programme to Bosnia and Herzegovina that is aimed at the overall improvement of the Bosnian RTDI system. Bosnia and Herzegovina Sets Up Council on Science On April 22, 2010 Bosnia and Herzegovina set up a Council on Science of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Council is the first state-level advisory body that is responsible for making recommendations to the government (in particular to the Ministry of Civil Affairs) concerning all issues related to research, technology and innovation policy. The Council will draw up guidelines for RTD strategy and monitoring its implementation. It is ...
... the opportunities for young promising researchers in the field of social sciences to further develop and advance in their careers in their home countries are scarce. An additional problem is restricted mobility. Even today, visa restrictions create a barrier for international networking, especially for researchers and scientists coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), differentiating them also from their colleagues from the FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and thus, marginalizing them even more. The RRPP has been supporting the new generation of social scientists and researchers in the WBCs for almost two years now, paying special attention to ...
The event gathered ministries and high-level representatives responsible for science and higher education from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia, Greece, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey as well as representatives from other European countries and European and international organisations (such as the EU, RCC, ESF and COST). The event’s main goal was to contribute to fostering regional ...
... by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (bmwf) within the framework of its South East European Science Cooperation Initiative The deadline of the call was February 23, 2010. The ASO received a total of 28 project proposals; the six best rated proposals including research institutions from Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) and Serbia will be funded. The total funding available for this call for proposals is € 120,000. More information on the funded projects will be available soon on the ASO website. Author: Andrea Mayr. The Austrian Science and Research ...
... INCO".  The Ministry of Civil Affairs considers the establisment of the NCP network an important step in the country's further involvement in European RTD activities, to which Bosnia and Herzegovina is fully committed.   Source: Ministry of Civil Affairs. As of June 3, 2010, Bosnia and Herzegovina has officially nominated its National Contact Points (NCPs) for the 7th Framework Programme.   ...
... the second part was dealing with comments on the set of priorities selected by Western Balkan countries’ science & research communities. The questionnaire included personal opinions and all stakeholders: Education and Research, Business and Social communities; and it was disseminated through respondent’s base of all Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Montenegro, and Serbia). Survey respondents from Western Balkan countries chose as national priorities the same fields of science (research themes) as in WP2 of the WBC.INCO.NET project – Priorities setting in order to structure participation of researchers from Western Balkan countries in ...
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