News archive - Bosnia-Herzegovina Nominates National Contact Points

As of June 3, 2010, Bosnia and Herzegovina has officially nominated its National Contact Points (NCPs) for the 7th Framework Programme.  

The seven National Contact points, covering all areas of FP7, are replacing the single National Contact Point for Framework Programmes in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NCP FP BiH) with its main office in Sarajevo and regional branch offices at the BiH universities.

Ammar Mirascija, who acted as NCP FP BiH so far and is also involved in WBC-INCO.NET, has been appointed national FP7 coordinator as well as NCP for "Ideas" and "INCO". 

The Ministry of Civil Affairs considers the establisment of the NCP network an important step in the country's further involvement in European RTD activities, to which Bosnia and Herzegovina is fully committed.


Source: Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 14, 2010
Modified on June 14, 2010