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37% EC Progress report 2015 Kosovo* Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Kosovo* addresses the following: Preparations in education and research are at an early stage. There has been no progress in this area over the last year. The quality of education needs to be considerably improved. In the coming year, Kosovo should in particular: → improve quality of education at all levels and improve access to quality education for marginalised groups, especially children with disabilities, Roma, Ashkali and ...
36% EC Progress report 2015 Albania Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Albania addresses the following: Preparations are at an early stage in the area of science and research. There was no progress in the past year. In the coming year, the country should in particular:  → build capacity and increase investment in research to ensure integration into the European Research Area and contribute to the Innovation Union;  → increase efforts for successful participation in the research and ...
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Bosnia and Herzegovina addresses the following: Preparations on education and research and innovation policy are at an early stage. There was no progress in these sectors but Bosnia and Herzegovina actively participated in different cultural programmes as well as research networks and activities. In the coming year, the country should in particular:  → step up coordination and harmonisation of the legal framework on ...
36% EC Progress report 2015 Montenegro Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Montenegro addresses the following: There is a good level of preparation in this chapter and some progress was made in the past year. In the coming year, Montenegro should in particular:  → enhance efforts to increase investment in research, in particular through stimulating investment by the private sector;  → increase and focus efforts on participation in the EU Programme 'Horizon 2020'. Montenegro participates in the ...
... it involves, is therefore a long-term investment in Europe's own security and prosperity". Common challenges The region has been seriously affected by the refugee crisis. Turkey is providing substantial support to more than 2 million Syrian refugees on its territory. The Western Balkans, in particular the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia, have managed a substantial amount of third country nationals transiting their countries since the beginning of the year.The migration challenge makes more than ever a case for increased cooperation with enlargement countries, and the EU is providing substantial support to this end. Fundamentals key to stability In ...
... with the reforms, in particular in the area of judiciary, fight against corruption and organised crime, freedom of expression, anti-discrimination, public administration reform and the economy. Equally important is to maintain the same level of commitment for further progress in normalisation of relations with Kosovo. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is at a relatively good level of legislative alignment. But the content of the wiretaps which have come into the public domain shows that the political system is seriously undermined by political interference and corruption. In June and July, I facilitated a political agreement with the help of MEPs Vajgl ...
... scientific research activities is not being implemented due to a lack of funding. The link between research and business remains weak. Kosovo participates in the EU research and innovation programme 'Horizon 2020' but the number of projects evaluated successfully and receiving funding is very small.   Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia There is a good level of preparation in the area of science and research. Good progress was made with respect to actions on innovation, and with initial and active participation in the EU Research and Innovation Programme "Horizon 2020". In the coming year, the country should focus on:  → actions ...
37% Horizon 2020 - First results Document 28. Oct. 2015
10 key facts A total of 36 732 eligible proposals were submitted under Horizon 2020’s first 100 calls (FP7: 135 514), breaking down as follows: 29 794 full proposals in single-stage calls 5 617 outline proposals in the first stage of the two-stage calls 1 321 full proposals in the second stage of the two-stage calls In total, 31 115 full proposals were submitted. The total number of eligible applications in full proposals was 123 334 (FP7: 598 080). These eligible proposals requested a total EU ...
... 2020 Strategy).  “Balkan Opinion Barometer”, a set of approximately 80 indicators showing the results of the public opinion survey on crucial economic and development issues in SEE and commissioned by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) clearly shows that vast majority of interviewees in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia still prefer to work in the public sector (79%), only 16% prefer the employment in the private sector. Interestingly, 40% consider attending additional education / courses to help to find a job as not necessary and for almost 50% their education is not an obstacle in the ...
Conference topics:    The social dimension of education ;  Philosophy, education, freedom;  The position of Albanians in the former Yugoslavia 1945-1990 ;  Textbooks and learning;  Contemporary educational policies ;  Inclusion as the change of time;  Critical thinking as an imperative of contemporary education;  Integrations into the educational system;  Affection and permanent education;  Professional upgrading of contemporary teachers ...
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