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Zenica was one of the most important economic centers in the former Yugoslavia, with its developed industry, organized city structure, developed educational, health, scientific, sport and cultural institutions and multiethnic population as well.The inherited economic structure, which was dominated by the steel industry, has been an obstacle for Zenica to go successfully through the transition process in the economic and social spheres, and therefore it is legging behind in comparison with some ...
48% SME Development Strategy in BiH 2005-2007 Document 26. Feb. 2008
Small and medium enterprises may have considerable influence on the development of BiH. With aright development policy, legal framework and coordinated institutional support on all levels, SMEsmight win a greater share of the domestic market and, gradually, of foreign markets, be a qualitypartner to larger domestic and foreign companies, they could initiate sound development project andconsequently create more jobs. This means that SMEs might actively participate in the povertyreduction process ...
48% Education in Montenegro: needs assessment Document 26. Feb. 2008
This report aims to outline the current functioning of the education system in Montenegro, to provide an overview of urgent needs to keep the system functioning over the next 12-18 months, and to point to key issues of long term reform and development of the sector. It was prepared by OSI1 in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) Montenegro. It also incorporates input from several donors active in Montenegro, with significant contributions from WUS Austria and UNICEF. The ...
This document has both the status and significance of strategic state document. It defines the long-term government policy in relation to the European Union. The general aim of such policy and ultimate goal of strategy in cooperation with the European Union is the accession of Serbia/Serbia-Montenegro to the European Union. National Strategy of Serbia for the Serbia and MNE accession to the EU, available from: , (26.02.2006) Government of the Republic of Serbia ...
This is a report about the Economic Reform and Development Agenda of Montenegro in the period of 2007-2011. Economic Reform and Development Agenda Montenegro 2007-2011, available from: (26.02.2008) Vukotic, V. Podgorica, document of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
From the very start of its mandate, as one of the priorities in work and creation of an economic environment,the Government has set creating new jobs. It was not easy to adjust the recovery processes to the Serbian economywithout anguish, nor to make programmes and plans in order to create jobs with a full meaning of working andto absorb workers from the process of privatisation and transition. One such programme with a clear definitionof the employment development strategy is the Programme for ...
Small and medium-sized enterprises are the key to sustainable growth. The policy of the Government of Serbia in the area of SMEE development has as its objective the creation of healthy small and medium-sized enterprises and businesses The Plan of the Government of Serbia for stimulating SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development 2005-2007, available from: (26.02.2008) Ministry of Economy of the ...
Here you can find the European Charter for small entreprises, according to European Commission Questionnaire for 2005. European Charter for Small Enterprises, Report on Small Enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, available from: Serbia (26.02.2008) The Government of Serbia in cooperation with the IMF
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) are prepared by member countries in broad consultation withstakeholders and development partners, including the staffs of the World Bank and the IMF. Updated everythree years with annual progress reports, they describe the country’s macroeconomic, structural, and socialpolicies in support of growth and poverty reduction, as well as associated external financing needs andmajor sources of financing. This country document for Serbia and Montenegro prepared ...
You can find enclosed the analysis of the 2005 Questionnaire on the implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises in Kosovo Progress Report on the implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises in Kosovo 2005, available from:> Department of Private Sector Development Policy, Pristina>
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