Education in Montenegro: needs assessment

This report aims to outline the current functioning of the education system in Montenegro, to
provide an overview of urgent needs to keep the system functioning over the next 12-18
months, and to point to key issues of long term reform and development of the sector. It was
prepared by OSI1 in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) Montenegro. It also incorporates input from several donors active in Montenegro, with
significant contributions from WUS Austria and UNICEF. The purpose of the Needs
Assessment is to provide an objective view of the education needs in Montenegro to inform
the donor community in its consideration of aid to the sector.


Education in Montenegro: needs assessment, available from: (26.02.2008)



Publication Year



Heather Iliff, Institute for Education Policy, Budapest

Geographical focus
  • Montenegro

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on February 26, 2008
Modified on February 26, 2008