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Search past events in Albania.
Please find below the presentations held and the agenda.
The 6th Steering Platform Meeting took place in Liblice, CZ.
Czech Republic
European Commission
The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) was briefly presented with a special focus on components III (regional development, targeting investment in the transport sector, the environment and economic development) and IV (human resources, targeting operations to strengthen human capital and the fight against exclusion) being accessible only for the countries having candidate status. It was underlined that the Commission’s experience with Candidate Countries shows so far that IPA, ...
... for applications for a "Foresight Training Seminar for participants from SEE South East Europe". The target group for the training seminar & conference participation grants are people interested in launching, carrying out or using Foresight activities in SEE countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, UNMIK/Kosovo ...
... institution from Austria. Eligible participants are universities, non-university research institutions and tertiary education organisations. Only public higher education institutions are eligible from Kosovo/UNMIK. The consortium composition must include one partner from Austria, one partner from Kosovo/UNMIK and at least one partner from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. Further information:, Contact persons: Johanna Scheck (; Prof. Dr. Johann Günther ( Source: ASO Newsletter, February 8, 2009. The Austrian Science and ...
... of Slovenia ( Ljubljana Digital Media Lab ( Multimedia Institute in Zagreb, Croatia ( The Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art ( New Media in Novi Sad ( The Visual and Cultural Research Centre in Skopje, FYRO Macedonia KONTEJNER / bureau of contemporary art praxis in Zagreb, Croatia ( Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art in Tirana, Albania Source: [12.02.2009] The publication Art & Science: creative Fusion aims to explain the theory behind the art-science interface ...
... briefly. A very important fact that can be drawn from this research is that only three, out of seventeen countries said that they have bilateral agreements with WBC regarding the admission of students: Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia. Bulgaria has bilateral agreements on admission procedures with WBC, namely Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. These agreements imply a prearranged exchange of students between universities and other higher education institutions. Further, unique policies and procedures for minorities abroad enables student with Bulgarian nationality living abroad an easier access to Bulgarian educational system. Hungary has several bilateral agreements with Serbia and Montenegro, FYR of ...
This European Commission staff working paper on the Western Balkans (MD 23/09 plus Addendum) is an update of the Annex to the March 2008 Commission Communication on the WBs. It outlines EU activities of regional relevance to the Western Balkan countries and corresponding regional activities related to the European agenda of the Western Balkans. It is an update of the Annex to the March 2008 Commission Communication on the Western Balkans. It covers the activities of the year 2008 and also lists ...
... the best proposals for new COST Actions. Experts from Near Neighbouring countries are entitled to participate in the Open Call, however the submission of proposals for new Actions is limited to experts from COST member countries only (the following West Balkan Countries are members of COST: Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia and Serbia ...
The results of the recently published 'Science, Technology and Competitiveness key figures report 2008/2009' indicate substantial improvements in certain areas but show that R&D intensity in the EU27 is stagnating. Public and private investment in R&D and innovation are considered to be essential for helping economies to stabilise and get out of crisis periods. Yet the intensity of research investment (the amount invested in R&D compared to GDP) has not increased in recent years, ...
... in Belgrade in May 2009 and in Istanbul in September 2009 The organisers intend to cover the costs for registration and for accommodation (half board for the days of the training seminar and the conference) for about 25 - 30 participants from Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia and Kosovo/UNMIK for the participation at the foresight conference and at the training seminar. A limited number of grants for travel costs will be available upon request depending on availability of funds. If you would like to participate at BF 2009 SEE Foresight training seminar you are kindly requested ...