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The publication summarizes UNESCO’s experience and role in South-East Europe and outlines a proposal for future action in the region.The paper comprises extracts from the Director General’s speeches on South-East Europe as well as the reports presented by the Ministers or Representatives of Ministers of South-East European Member States. The paper also contains the main documents of the High-level Conference on Strengthening Cooperation in South-East Europe (held at UNESCO Headquarters on 4 and ...
The report presents assessment of the science and technology (S&T) status as of December 2004 of five Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia & Montenegro.The author highlights the fact that the objectives posed by EU on its way to the knowledge-based economy are fully relevant to the Western Balkan countries and their aspiration to become EU members in the future implies their adoption of the objectives acknowledged as the priority by ...
In the paper the issues with regard to application of the European regional policy to the Western Balkan countries are discussed. The paper offers analysis of possible ways and means of the policy in question. As the Western Balkan states face other threats and opportunities than those existed several years ago, the European policy instruments shall be adapted to meet the new challenges associated with the Western Balkans' economic and social cohesion into EU. So, the EU in cooperation with the ...
The report provides a general overview of Croatia as a new candidate of EU Accession within the framework of the current status of scientific and technological development. The document contains the general information of the country, national economy and economic indicators as of 2003 as well as the history of the EU-Croatia relations.Substantial part of the report is dedicated to the science and technology (S&T) policy as far as its framework, role and objectives, indicators, coordination and ...
The document presents the investigation report by the Institute for International Relations (IMO) on the research and development system in Croatia. The report covers some legislative and institutional issues related to the higher education and science, lays out the aspects associated with financing of the higher education and science, specifies the size, structure and dynamics of the R&D personnel, gives the overview of research organisations and scientific infrastructure, analyses ...
... The draft comprises 21 Articles and 2 Annexes, besides, the comments with respect to every individual Article are provided. The draft regulation constitutes a framework regulation, establishing a unified instrument for pre-accession assistance. The beneficiary countries (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia und Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Croatia and Turkey) are divided into two categories, depending on their status as either Candidate Countries (listed in Annex II) or potential Candidate Countries (listed in Annex I). The idea is that the potential Candidate Countries will continue to receive assistance along the lines currently laid down in the CARDS-Regulation ...
"Integration of the non-candidate countries in South Eastern Europe (Western Balkan Countries) into the European Research Area and the future EU RTD activities" The document summarizes the main issues of the Vienna Workshop on integration of Western Balkan countries into the European Research Area and the 6th EU RTD Framework Program (FP6) - from the year 2000. Topic is the strategy of integration of the mentioned countries into European Research Area as well as the EU future RTD activities ...
34% ERA-WESTBALKAN Online Directory Link 4. Aug. 2006
The online directory is a collection of universities, institutions and companies active in R&D in Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
... Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Food Production, Informative technology, Water resource management and Earthquake Engineering. The FYR of Macedonia maintains scientific and research cooperation with more than 35 countries. With some of which, the FYR Macedonia has concluded inter-ministerial protocols, memorandum of understanding and other forms of official cooperation. It has also established intergovernmental cooperation in terms of umbrella agreements on educational, cultural and scientific research cooperation. Previous experience ...
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