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33% Art and Science: Creative Fusion Document 20. Apr. 2009
This publication looks at art & science – an autonomous field uniting art and science which are typically thought to belong to two different worlds. However, these two domains have strong historical links, and if analysed in their totality, date back to the very beginning of human creativity, fuelled by curiosity and ingenuity. Today more and more artists are drawing inspiration from science and using the latest technology and research in their art, while scientists and researchers ...
... three ‘legal entities’ established in different EU Member States or Associated countries. The entities must be independent of each other.  Any legal entity established in an FP7 International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC) may join the consortium and receive funding, once this eligibility criteria has been met.  Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Crotia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are associated countries to FP7.  Kosova is ICPC in FP7.   Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.): Detailed information on the call may be found from the following links: Official Call ...
This document provides an overview on current scientific projects from various disciplines concerning South-Eastern Europe (in German language), GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte zu Südosteuropa. Bearbeitet von Anja Wilde, Leibnitz 2009. GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Summary The main question addressed in this study is the performance of the labour markets in the Western Balkans. The aim is to find out whether they can deliver growth of employment and decline of unemployment in the medium run and whether they can withstand shortterm shocks due to changes in demand or supply. These questions are particularly pressing in view of the monetary policy based on fixed exchange rates which is followed by the majority of the countries in this region. In terms of the ...
33% Final report of the project UnivSOE Document 24. Mar. 2009
The final report developed by the University Graz on its project "UnivSOE" covers "Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe - Developments, Structures and Perspectives of these Institutions for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area". The final report is published by Wolfgang MANTL / Joseph MARKO / Hedwig KOPETZ. Mantl, W., Marko, J., Kopetz, H.: Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central ...
33% First FP7 Monitoring Report Document 24. Mar. 2009
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This first FP7 Monitoring Report covers the year 2007 and is the first one based on a completely new approach: While in FP6 and previous Framework Programmes monitoring had been implemented through annual panels of independent experts which selected specific areas of FP implementation and performance to analyse and report on, the FP7 monitoring system is designed as an internal management tool, based on a coherent system of indicators. The present is thus intended to be a ...
... economic development in Albania. Upon inception, all Albanian businesses registered online and began to administer, publish and pay their taxes via internet. In addition, public sector tenders were organised electronically. These reforms brought immediate results and Albania was rated as the “second most reformatory economy in the world” in a recent survey ...
... by the western Balkans countries in implementing reforms, the European Commission should work to ensure that visa benchmark requirements are implemented and promote mutual security, and do not impose unnecessary burdens. The EC should also agree during the Czech EU Presidency a clear timeline for visa liberalisation for each country - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Enlargement serves the European Union's strategic interest in stability, security, and conflict prevention. It has helped to increase prosperity and growth opportunities, and to enhance the EU's weight in the world. In the light of recent challenges to stability to the east of ...
... from system, institutional and student perspective, as well as to point out to characteristic models and their (possible) effects on higher education. Chapter 3 is dedicated to comparative analysis of financing of higher education in Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia and to a lesser extent (due to lack of information) in Albania and Montenegro. The chapter also follows the basic structure of the theoretical chapter, dealing firstly with systems of financing higher education, then analysing financing from the institutional perspective and finally from the student perspective. Chapter 4, the institutional case study provides an insight into the financial operations of three different ...
... and maintain gender equality at all levels. Improvements are expected to increase the mobility of Albanian academics and researchers within the international scientific community for joint projects, temporary employment in universities and research institutions abroad, participation in conferences and seminars, exchange of information, and joint publications, from a base within Albania. For further information, please have a look at the attached work programme. Project website/source:, as accessed on March 6, 2009. The Albanian Government, supported by the United Nations Development Programme in Albania, has recently founded a Brain Gain Programme focussing at the Albanian Diaspora ...
85% Brain Gain Programme - Albania Organisation 6. Mar. 2009
The Brain Gain Programme, an initiative of the Albanian Government supported by the United Nations Development Programme in Albania, engages the Albanian Diaspora in the development of the country.The Brain Gain Programme seeks to counter the economic and social effects of the “brain drain,” and is developing ways and incentives to encourage highly skilled professionals like you to return to Albania.Improvements are expected to increase the mobility ...
Proposals are invited from economists and other social scientists. For the competition, the following priority area of research has been identified: Inequality and Public Policy For a more detailed description of the research area, please download the wiiw GDN-SEE project proposal at: For further information, please have a look at the attachment. If you have any questions, please contact:   ...
33% D3.18 Report on Barriers to Cooperation Document 4. Mar. 2009
Executive summary The main task of this research was to identify the barriers which inhibit researchers from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey (WBC&T) from international R&D cooperation in order to provide policy makers with the analytical backgrounds to create policy measures for facilitating research cooperation. This is the first study focused on identification of the factors which hamper the cooperation of WBC&T in the two types of collaborative projects: /1/ European ...
... research term must be completed between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010. Robert Bosch Fellows will be members of the international and multidisciplinary scholarly community at the IWM. They are invited to present and discuss their project in lectures or seminars. 2) Eligibility The IWM is accepting applications from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo/UN Resolution, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia. Applications are accepted from researchers who ■ are citizens or permanently reside in one of the abovementioned countries, ■ or are affiliated to a university or research institution in the region, ■ or (independent of the applicant ...
33% 6th Steering Platform Meeting Event 18. Feb. 2009
Please find below the presentations held and the agenda. The 6th Steering Platform Meeting took place in Liblice, CZ. Co-Chairs: Albania Czech Republic European Commission Libelice
The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) was briefly presented with a special focus on components III (regional development, targeting investment in the transport sector, the environment and economic development) and IV (human resources, targeting operations to strengthen human capital and the fight against exclusion) being accessible only for the countries having candidate status. It was underlined that the Commission’s experience with Candidate Countries shows so far that IPA, ...
... Office (ASO) Ljubljana, et al. - are launching a Call for applications for a "Foresight Training Seminar for participants from SEE South East Europe". The target group for the training seminar & conference participation grants are people interested in launching, carrying out or using Foresight activities in SEE countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, UNMIK/Kosovo ...
... contractor has to be a research institution from Austria. Eligible participants are universities, non-university research institutions and tertiary education organisations. Only public higher education institutions are eligible from Kosovo/UNMIK. The consortium composition must include one partner from Austria, one partner from Kosovo/UNMIK and at least one partner from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.   Further information:, Contact persons: Johanna Scheck (; Prof. Dr. Johann Günther (   Source: ASO Newsletter, February 8 ...
31% Art & Science: Creative Fusion News 12. Feb. 2009
... The Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art ( New Media in Novi Sad ( The Visual and Cultural Research Centre in Skopje, FYRO Macedonia KONTEJNER / bureau of contemporary art praxis in Zagreb, Croatia ( Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art in Tirana, Albania Source: [12.02.2009] The publication Art & Science: creative Fusion aims to explain the theory behind the art-science interface and illustrates this academic perspective using concrete examples, including projects, institutions and festivals. In addition it seeks to strenghthen the ...
... like to highlight briefly. A very important fact that can be drawn from this research is that only three, out of seventeen countries said that they have bilateral agreements with WBC regarding the admission of students: Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia. Bulgaria has bilateral agreements on admission procedures with WBC, namely Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. These agreements imply a prearranged exchange of students between universities and other higher education institutions. Further, unique policies and procedures for minorities abroad enables student with Bulgarian nationality living abroad an easier access to Bulgarian educational system. Hungary has several bilateral agreements with Serbia and ...
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