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... collaborate with. The 2030 timeframe has been set since an innovation-driven society takes time to flourish and ideas may require a long term incubation period. Please have in mind that this survey is aimed at respondents from WBC (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and Kosovo/UN Res. 1244.) only. Thank you ...
... Law, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Agrarian Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Literature and Communication Sciences. The minimum qualification required for participating is a bachelor degree. Scholarships and Fees Scholarships: only participants which are representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and NGOs and with citizenships from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo Turkey, are eligible for scholarships that cover both the course fees and the board and lodging (in double or triple rooms). The candidates with citizenships from above-mentioned countries which are also currently representatives of CSOs will be automatically considered for scholarships. The scholarship covers accommodation expenses (board and lodging) in ...
Please find attached presentations held at SP meeting in Ohrid and conclusions developed. The Steering Platform meeting took place in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia on May 26, 2011. Ohrid
35% Olga Radzyner Award News 14. Jun. 2011
... above all, assess the quality and originality of the work.  Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries:Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. Proof of date of birth and citizenship must be provided upon application; authors shall also include a brief CV. In the case of coauthored work, each of the coauthors has to fulfill all the criteria. Previous winners of ...
86% Kosovo Public Policy Center Organisation 12. Jun. 2011
The Kosovo Public Policy Center is an independent, not-for-profit think-tank and research center based in Prishtina, Kosovo. The mission of the Center is to serve the best interest of the general public, academia, private and public sectors, as well as its clients and partners by providing policy alternatives and recommendations based on ...
Focus of the presentation: Macroeconomic perspective induces innovation performance in the region; Critical infrastructure for knowledge development;SME development in the financial crisis; Perspective of the regional cooperation. Zoran Aralica;The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
  South-East European Congress & Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy   South-East European Conference & Exhibition “SAVE the Planet”  Waste Management & Recycling, Environment At the exhibition 327 direct participants and represented companies from 32 countries showed their latest products and technologies in the sectors renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management and recycling. Many of the foreign exhibitors were new ...
... standards, necessary improvements to compete with imported products and a marketing program to persuade Kosovars to buy domestic products.   Business clusters in Kosovo (under UNSCR1244) are of recent origin. They began to operate a few years ago, mainly driven by the support of international donors such as USAID (“Kosovo Cluster Business Support Project”), TAM and “Horticultural Promotion, Kosovo”. These international development donor institutions have cooperated very effectively working in similar areas.   These interventions supported the increase of competitiveness of targeted clusters by promoting private sector driven market initiatives, enhancing the institutional capacity for competitiveness, structuring a results-oriented, sustainable public-private competitiveness dialogue and supporting the development of ...
Within the project "R&D Capacities" an Assessment Report was published depicting the situation regarding R&D at the universities participating in the project. "The present report is the output of the initial analytical work in the project ‘R&D Capacities’ carried out in 2009. On the one hand it reflects the situation at Western Balkan universities in the year 2009, on the other hand provides essential inputs for consecutive steps within the project: it ...
New publication issued by WUS Austria Sarajevo Office within the framework of the Conference “Austrian Support to Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. "The Austrian Development Cooperation and WUS Austria proudly look back at seventeen years of successful cooperation focused on support to Higher Education (HE) in BiH. The joint efforts encompassed a variety of different projects which all had one thing in common: the belief that sustainable prosperity needs the ...
... and civil society development in the Western Balkans. The University of Fribourg, upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), manages the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP). It was established with the objective to advance Social Science research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. This partnership programme was created following a wide consultation process involving well-respected researchers and research institutions in the region, Switzerland and other European countries. The RRPP operates through three inter-related pillars: 1. The allocation of research grants for projects that deal with issues related to transformation ...
... Although the government is obviously striving to make some progress in terms of gaining visa liberalization, the EU does not seem to be impressed. Not addressing the Kosovo status issue, the EU has recently accepted the role of mediator in a newly launched technical dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo (UN Res 1244). Unlike its Balkan neighbors, it remains the only country that has not yet specified where exactly it stands on the path towards EU integration. There is ...
... policy framework for innovation. In Montenegro, the OECD is engaged in the design of a voucher scheme to support SME innovation. In Serbia, the OECD is working with government to develop a competence technology centre which would facilitate greater collaboration between industry and the public research community. Albania, Croatia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 will have an opportunity to work with the OECD in 2012. The RCI will also establish working groups on innovation and human capital development. The first meeting of the RCI Working Group on Human Capital and Innovation will take place in Split, Croatia on June 8 ...
This document provides an overview of the ongoing research cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans. It also explains why the EU countries engage in research with this region and how they do it. The real impetus for engaging in research cooperation with the Western Balkan countries came from the European Council meeting in Thessaloniki in June 2003. There, heads of state and government reiterated that the future of the Balkans lies within the EU. Ministers of science also endorsed a ...
On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Ohrid on May, 26 2011.
The two year ICT-WEB-PROMS project aimed at increasing capacity of stakeholders in the Western Balkan countries (WBC) to fully participate in European ICT research and in the European Research Area by creating and supporting strategic partnership between stakeholders in the EU and the WBC while providing access to relevant knowledge. The four key objectives were networking of WB and EU countries in the area of ICT, increasing the capacity of organizations from WBC to create ICT technology and ...
The Final Report of the project aims to provide a roadmap for subsequent researchers in the Western Balkan region. The nine page document outlines the results achieved by the ICT-WEB-PROMS project, the problems encountered and the needs identified in the WBC. The report furthermore issues recommendations for the European Commission, national governments and stakeholders and outlines the lessons learnt for future activities in the region. Further project documents and deliverables can be ...
85% Albania-Kosovo Cross Border Programme Link 11. May. 2011
Preparation of this programme was completed in April 2010 and final approval is expected to take place by the end of 2010. Preparation of the CBC programme Kosovo – Montenegro is expected to start in the second half of 2010 and completed in 2011. Source: website of the CBC Kosovo as accessed in May, 2011
Preparation of this programme was completed in April 2010 and final approval is expected to take place by the end of 2010. Preparation of the CBC programme Kosovo – Montenegro is expected to start in the second half of 2010 and completed in 2011. Source: website of the CBC as accessed in May, 2011
... policy and entrepreneurship, and the development of human capital.       Source: e-mail from OECD A press release of the OECD Investment Compact for South East Europe (an OECD initiative covering 10 economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Kosovo - UN Res. 1244) informs about the begin of a development towards a "2020 Vision" for the region ...
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