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All 4 macro-regional strategies in one publication - Interact is pleased to present a new publication which – for the first time ever – brings together all four EU macro-regional strategies. The publication Macro-regional strategies in changing times – EUSBSR, EUSDR, EUSALP and EUSAIR headed towards the future together showcases a concrete and up-to-date presentation of the issues relevant for all EU macro-regional strategies. It also aims at bringing ...
The Western Balkan countries do not have an advocacy strategy aimed at promoting and speeding up their EU accession. Although there is growing awareness of the need for such a strategy, it has transpired that the WB government institutions have only communication strategies targeting specific groups within their national borders: decision makers and initiators/multipliers of public awareness of the EU accession process, youth, or opponents of integration. However, these strategies have not ...
The Western Balkan 6 (WB6) Advocacy Group which was established on 29 September 2016, launched the portal in order to better communicate with its target groups and interested public. CSOs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia have initiated the forming of this group to facilitate and accelerate the accession of the entire region to the European Union.   One of the Group's main priorities will be to change the region's negative image. Its aim is to alert to the relevance of the Western Balkans to the ...
29% SEE ENERGY - Connect & Supply in 2016 Event 21. Oct. 2016
... increasing the energy efficiency of growing crops and plantation biomass industrial and retail volume. Participants in the conference will present the RS Ministry of Agriculture legislative changes and close the process of leasing land for use for this purpose. The conference will bring together 200+ participants from 100 companies from Serbia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, as well as representatives of national and provincial institutions, chambers of commerce, associations, investment and commercial banks . The conference will focus on the following topics: New Perspectives for the use of biomass and improvement of the environment Innovations in business ...
29% Western Balkan 6 Advocacy Group Organisation 21. Oct. 2016
WB6 Advocacy Group is an initiative of Western Balkanthink tanks coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia,  aimed at accelerating and facilitating the European Union enlargement towards the Western Balkans. Established in September 2016, the Group grew out of two successive projects– the European Integration of the Western Balkans: Can the Visegrad Countries Serve as Role Models, Belgrade, 2015, which was supported by the ...
... Western Balkans. With the intention of maximizing RYCO’s role, a comprehensive, inclusive, innovative and systemic approach needs to be adopted. In this framework, this regional research policy brief aims to mapping and conducting a comparative assessment of the existing youth organizations in the three partner countries – Albania, Montenegro, and Serbia. Adapted and tailor-made policy recommendations will be provided to the Regional Youth Cooperation Office, for an active participation and contribution of youth organizations in its policy-making process.  The research policy brief is prepared by Cooperation and Development Institute,  in cooperation with European Movement Montenegro and European Movement ...
... R&I policy mix. The team members are: Lajos Nyiri  (Team leader) Michele Genovese Ülle Must Adrian Pascu Svend Otto Remøe Jean-Luc Clément The outcomes of the peer review visit will be fed into the synthesis report which will summarize the actual R&I policy mix of Serbia and will formulate recommendations for possible improvements. Source: Danube-INCO.NET In the frame of the Danube-INCO.NET project, the policy mix peer review visit in Serbia was held 26-30 September 2016 ...
The study was prepared as part of the specific contract No. EAC-2014-0466-Research Careers in Europe, implementing the Framework Contract No. EAC/22/2013-4. It was produced on the basis of the Terms of Reference, the technical offer, the Inception and Interim Reports, the minutes of the kick-off, inception and progress meetings, the comments and suggestions from the Steering Group, as well as the results of the validation seminar. “Research Careers in Europe” is a study with an evaluative ...
WBF is an international organization established by the governments of the Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia, the first as such to be headquartered in Tirana. The Fund’s main structures are: the Council of Foreign Ministers, the highest decision-making body, the Senior Council, the Secretariat and the Executive Director. The launch of the Western Balkan Fund with its seat in Tirana is another positive example of ...
28% Western Balkans Fund Organisation 12. Oct. 2016
WBF is an international organization established by the governments of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. The governing bodies of the Fund are the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Council of Senior Officials, the Executive Director and the Secretariat.  The seat of the Fund Secretariat is in Tirana. WBF will finance small and medium projects with the objective of increasing regional and cross-border ...
30% 12th PA7 SG meeting Event 11. Oct. 2016
The 12th Steering Group meeting of the EU EUSDR Priority Area 7: To develop the Knowledge Society through research, education and information technologies will be held in the premises of University of Belgrade (Studentski trg 1, Belgrade, Serbia) on Monday 24th October 2016 starting at 9 AM and finishing approximately at 5PM. Please register on the following link by 14th October 2016: Below you can find the Information Package and Draft agenda. Source: EUSDR The 12th SG meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area ...
Objective: This interactive course will introduce participants to VI-SEEM e-Infrastructure services, and then focus on the principles and applications of biomolecular modeling, and pinpoint how biomolecular problems, such as drug design, are being currently addressed by computational techniques. Aims: Introduce VI-SEEM data and computational services, and their access methods. Hands-on training in classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations by examining the protein lysozyme of the NAMD ...
... Source: Regional Cooperation Council - RCC]: Under auspices of the RCC representatives of Ministries in charge of science from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia agreed to appoint national points of reference for the Open Science by the end of the year. Participants also formally established the Working Group on Open Science and outlined directions in which they will operate in the coming period by producing the draft ...
84% Development Agency of Serbia Organisation 5. Oct. 2016
Serbian Development Agency (RAS) offers a wide range of services on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, including support of direct investments and export promotion, and leads the implementation of projects with the aim of improving Serbia’s competitiveness and reputation in order to support the economic and regional development. As a newly established agency, RAS builds upon the knowledge of the former Serbia Investment and Export ...
... and create the most comprehensive system for providing support services to SMEs, with widest and strongest knowledge, expertise and information base. Source: CORDIS EEN Serbia project is successor to EIIRCS and in its course, Consortium partners would continue to provide the highest quality business support services to Serbian SMEs. EEN Serbia is strategically recognized by the Government of Republic Serbia, as an integrated service for development of SMEs sector. EEN Serbia SGA
... the Platform should also address specific actions and aim at concrete results. The Platform acknowledged that in the future work should be focussed and result-oriented to address both:  (a) structural/policy reforms and (b) thematic/programme issues (such as Transfer of Technology; Regional Centres of Excellence; Mobility scheme etc.). Serbia suggested that an assessment of participation in Horizon 2020, comparing performance with some Member States, should also take place in the meetings of the Platform as well as other multilateral actions offering cooperation opportunities notably those under the Articles 185 and 187 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European ...
28% DataStation Platform Organisation 5. Oct. 2016
... and enhancements of new products and services. The tool it offers is different and reflects the belief that daily innovation and optimization are the keys to giving clients solutions that are always step or two of the rest.  Headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium, with our technology center located in Kragujevac, Serbia, DataStation maintains sales, support and distribution offices in Europe and North America. ...
28% Foundation Business Start Center Bar Organisation 5. Oct. 2016
BSC Bar was founded in 2007 through the project of opening of business centers and incubators 2007-2010 . The project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands was conducted by the Dutch NGO SPARK . As part of the same project similar centers in Bitola (Macedonia ), Kragujevac ( Serbia ) , Pristina and Mitrovica (Kosovo ) were established. BSC Bar is part of this regional network and it collaborates with other centers at the regional level . In the year 2009 in order to achieve sustainability if the Center project management was transferred to local partners who in October of the same year ...
Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia (Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia) launched the Second Call for Proposals on October 3, 2016. Second Call for Proposals, under the reference number HUSRB/1602, and the amount of funds of 21,500,000 EUR, is intended for a broad range of Applicants and actions within the Programme area. Second Call for Proposals HUSRB/1602 will be open until January 31, 2017. During this period, the Programme will provide the Applicants with ...
Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said the European Researchers’ Night, wherein Serbia takes part, offered an opportunity for the widest possible audience to get familiar with scientific work and the impact it has on the day-to-day life. Davenport said he considered the European Researchers Night as the nicest of the EU initiatives adding that he shared this opinion with people in more ...
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